Without further babbling, here is the recipe..
8 hardboiled egg
8 cloves of garlic, chopped
4 cloves of shallot, chopped
2-3 Tbsp of soybean paste (taoco)
6 green thai chili (add more as preferred), chopped
3 lime leaves
1 Tbsp sweet soy sauce (Indonesian-kecap manis)
1 Tbsp vegetable oil for sauteeing
water as needed
salt and sugar

In a wok, saute garlic and shallot with oil until fragrant. Add chili, lime leaves and soybean paste. Continue to saute for another minute. Then add some water (approx. 75ml), stir it well. Add some soy sauce and adjust the taste with salt and sugar. Bring it to boil. At last add the hardboiled egg, and turn down the heat and continue to simmer for 10min. Serve it with warm steamed rice.