Monday, July 28, 2008

Daddy's Lunch Box


Bianca's dad does not really like Western food, he prefers Indonesian food. Well, once in a while eating Western food is okay for him, but for every day he rather has Indonesian food and it has to be rich in flavor. And since his work place is not close to home about 15minutes driving, normally he brings something along from home. So you can have a picture now that I prepare mostly Indonesian foods in my kitchen. This writing is to show you one of many kinds of lunch box I usually prepare for him.

Rice is a must and meat as well...he will ask,"where is the meat?" if he does not see it in his lunch box or on the dining table. One of my Batakese friends told me that it is typical Batakese man, they always ask for meat even if you prepare many kinds of other foods, they still keep asking for the meat, for them eating without meat is not complete. I wonder if this is true...but for my husband he said he needs meat as source of protein (how about tofu, tempeh and eggs? no clue...). Anyway, enjoy the picture and some recipe links.


The rendang recipe can be seen here. And for the veggie I used baby bok choy with oyster sauce, the same way as when I prepared Chinese broccoli as you can find it here.


I made the homemade sausage in the same way as I prepared galantine, only this time without boiled egg in the center and the diameter is not as big as galantine. You can find the recipe here.
I do not forget to add the last item and is a must, it is some fresh chili paddy.


  1. Ka Lidia,
    Just want to let you know that I hope your husband knows he's a VERY lucky man to have wonderful Indonesian dishes for lunch! Ya ampuuuuuuuuun how I wish I can cook like you!! Thanks for posting all your recipes up! i have yet to try... how do you find the time to do all of it?? love you!

  2. Thx for stopping by Charlotte..hope abang reads your comment...
    As a full time mom, I try to find d time by juggling from one task to another..and enjoy every second of it.
    Love u!

  3. nice to read your blog
    it really gave me a lot of ideas in the kitchen

    as for "where is the meat?", my dear Batakese husband always asks the same thing...
    God bless their love for meat, hehehe
