Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Durian Juice (Jus Duren)


It is summer here in North America and it can get so hot and humid that you just need something refreshing and quenching your thirst. My husband is crazy for durian and every time we went eating at Vietnamese restaurant he always order durian juice.
Last week when we went to an Asian store, he saw Montong durian that looked round and perfect, so he decided to buy one. It cost more than regular durian, but he still wanted to buy it because he imagined it would taste as good as the price.
When we arrived at home, he opened it up right away. However to his surprise, it did not taste as good as he expected. It was kind of hard..well it was still good in term of sweetness, but no alcoholic aroma exposed. Seems like it was not ripe enough when they harvested it.
I had an idea to consume it in another form by making juice, so that we would not taste the hardness of this fruit. And my husband loved the idea.


- 6 stones of Montong durian, discard the stones
- 3 Tbsp of sweetened condensed milk
- 400ml of "half and half" creme
- 10 ice cubes

Put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend it at high speed for 2-3minutes. Then pour it in two glasses. The recipe is good to make 2 glasses of durian juice. If you want it chiller, keep it in a fridge for a while. I normally keep it in the freezer for 10minutes, for I love it to be a little bit frozen.


As you may notice, I took all of the above pictures during night time just with regular lighting in my living room, no additional lighting, my camera, no flash, no tripod and included on the list is my busy -trying to help-but disturbing- Bianca...(there was an accident when she poured half carton of the creme on our living room carpet...oh dear!)


  1. wah duren hehe.. sayang ra seneng duren je

    awakmu meteng ra wedi maem duren ? anake bulikku meteng 3 sasi maem duren keguguran soale. opo emang kandungane dia sek ra kuat yo soale meteng pe 3 gugur terus je, bareng metu anakke muk umur 2 ndino soale lair prematur.. mesake temenan.

    Smg kandunganmu kuat n bayimu sehat yo Lid...en lancar smp melahirkan nanti...*doa sesama ibu-ibu yang sudah pernah melahirkan anak*

  2. Woooo..lha kok ra seneng duren ki piye toh? heavenly fruit loh kuwi..hehehehe...

    Matur nuwun dongane..iyo ki aku kok yo ra ono pantangan yo slama iki, kecuali nanas+pepaya.. sing memang terbukti ada enzim pemecah proteinnya aku ra wani maem babar blas..maem duren yo ok, tp ra wani okeh2 kok Yin..

  3. haduh durian bikin mak nyusss...:)
    met kenal yah...
    di add bloeh?

  4. halo mbak :p
    iya nih, aku suka blognya jadi ada di reader-listku. biar tahu ada makanan enak apa aja abis di upload :p. lumayan memuaskan mata yang lapar hehehe

  5. Lid... kira2 3 bulan lalu gara2 nama blogku aku dikontak ama radio CBC winnipeg mrk pengen tau soal durian.

    Btw, soal durian lbh enak durian Sumatra rasanya daripada monthong. Monthong berasa karbitan dan emang diproduksi buat konsumsi ekspor jadi kekhasan durian udah ilang yg ada rasa fruitynya. Cuman kl lg jauh kyk kita mahh apa boleh buat.

  6. @Shelvy: makasih ya dah mampir, salam kenal juga..silakan kalo mau diadd..seneng...

    @Imoet: thx udah dimasukkan dlm reader list-nya..smoga ga mengecewakan ya..

    @Pepy: wah memang hebat nih jeng yg satu ini..
    iya Pep, maksudku dsini harapanku semula montong itu lbh enak drpd no name brand itu loh yg harganya jauh lbh murah..eh ga taunya rasanya ga sebanding dg harganya..so laen kali aku beli yg no name aja deh..ketauan murah harganya...
    Kalo ada durian sumatra sih, pasti milih itu...

  7. Seger liat juicy duren ...*maaauu

  8. sama kaya Ayin, gw ga suka duren. bisa sih makan tapi cukup 1 butir aja.

    vas bunganya sama²an.

  9. he eh sama kayk ayin aku ra doyan durian, :D..tapi kamu ga apa2 lid makan durian lagi halim gitu :D

  10. wah kok byk yg ga suka duren nih? kalo gitu lemparin aja durennya k canada...hehehe..

    @bucil: silakan dicicipi bucil..

    @Mindy: vasnya samaan sama dirimu ya say? dah gitu nanti nama anakku jg samaan lagi...

    @Elsye: iya byk yg bilang jgn mkn duren, smoga ga ada apa2 ya El..mohon doanya...
