Saturday, June 28, 2008

3 Layers Orange Pudding


I made this pudding for an Indonesian community picnic potluck which was held last week at Hawrelak park, Edmonton. A friend of mine asked me to bring it and she also gave me 3 packages of orange color agar. To be honest, I rarely used orange color one, I prefer using clear, green or red one. This time since I only had orange color, I decided to make something that close to orange...and the choice went to mandarin orange.
So I bought some mandarin orange in an Asian store. Initially the idea was to make 2 layers, the first one contained orange juice with pulp (I remembered I still had some orange juice with lots of pulp at home), and then the next layer just clear orange pudding with peeled mandarin orange as accent. However, when I made the last layer and put it in fridge for a while, Bianca was cranky and I needed to bring her to bed. I thought the agar would not be harden so quick and that Bianca would fall asleep before the agar got to hard for me to attach the mandarin orange...when finally Bianca felt asleep, the agar was hard enough and I could not attach the mandarin orange on top, so I decided to make the third layer. At the end, I think 3 layers look better!


- 2,5 packages of orange color agar powder
- 3 mandarin orange, peel off the thin skin
- 600ml orange juice with pulp
- 1000ml water (150ml+750ml+100ml)
- 250ml fresh homogenized milk
- 19Tbsp sugar (5+9+5Tbsp)


Dissolve one package of agar powder with 150ml water and 600ml orange juice. Put it on top of a stove under medium high heat. Cook and stir it until boiling. Once it is boiling, add 5Tbsp of sugar and stir it until all sugar dissolved and boiling again. Pour in a molding bowl. Keep it in fridge until harden.
While waiting, make the second layer using another orange agar powder. Dissolve it with 750ml cold water. Cook it as we did for the first layer. Add 9Tbsp sugar and stir. Pour it on top of the hard first layer and put it back to the fridge until harden.
Make the third layer by dissolving half package of agar with 250ml milk and 100ml water. Cook it at the same way and add 5Tbsp sugar and stir. Pour it on top of the second layer. Decorate with peeled mandarin orange. Try to do it while the agar is warm but not hard yet.
Serve it cold and add some vanilla sauce if you like.

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