Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pork Ribs Soup


Having no idea of what to cook that day, I decided to cook something simple yet acceptable for the whole family, including my daughter. The choice went to soup..

- 500gr of pork ribs, cut into small chunk
- 4 potato, peel off the skin and cut into small chunk
- 4 carrot, peel off the skin and cut into small chunk
- 1 clove of onion, chop thinly
- 3 green onion, chop thinly
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- 1tsp of ground nutmeg
- salt
- sugar
- water
- oil for saute


In a pot, boil pork ribs with water until tender. Add potato and then carrot and continue to cook for 5minutes. While waiting, saute onion with a little bit of oil until fragrant and then pour the sauted onion together with the oil into the pot. Add pepper and nutmeg. Adjust the taste with salt and sugar. At last add green onion.


  1. Hello...looks yummy...aku lebih suka white radish dari pada potato, lebih manis gitu deh.

  2. makasih Fan udah mampir..
    wah malah blom pernah nyoba pake white radish dicoba nih..
