Friday, June 27, 2008

Itsy Bitsy Spicy Luncheon Meat


When I did not feel like spending much time in my kitchen, I just prepared the quick and easy meal. I saw one of my friend here cooking it the other day and we had a chance to taste was good. So I stocked up some cans of luncheon meat, in case of "emergency".

- 2 cans of luncheon meat, cut the meat into small cubes
- 5 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 5 cloves of small red onion, chop thinly
- 10 bird's eye chili or chili paddy, chop thinly
- 4cm of galangal
- 4 lime leaves
- 1/2 of lime
- 2Tbsp of fish sauce
- sugar
- oil for saute


In a wok, saute garlic, onion and chili until fragrant. Add galangal, lime leaves, fish sauce and drizzle lime juice. Stir it well. Add a little bit of sugar to taste. Lastly, add the luncheon meat, cook and stir for 6minutes. Serve it with warm steam rice.


  1. gw jg selalu sedia daging kalengan tapi kang hubby ga suka. seringnya digoreng garing, makan pake nasi panas + saos sambel. endang. nanti coba ah pake resep elo ini, buat variasi.

  2. wah wingi aku jg due daging kalengan ngene tp sek ciken..rasane wuuuuasin kæ hiks :( tak tumis jg pk buncis n kecap tp ga tak kei uyah wong wes asen..

  3. @Mindy: iya sih Min..benernya jg ga bagus terlalu sering makan spam..namanya aja ada gizinya, pengawetnya banyak..hahaha..
    tp kalo sekali2, enak jg..apalagi pedes gini..nasi angetnya bisa nambah2 say..

    @Ayin: iya Yin, nek wis asin ra sah diwenehi uyah meneh..iki aku yo ra takwenehi uyah tp fish sauce.
