Monday, December 15, 2008

Tongseng Sapi (Beef Tongseng)

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My husband bought a big chunk of meat, a-cut-it-yourself kinda sirloin steak two weeks ago. When he got home, I did not want to keep it frozen as whole, beside it would not be fit in my freezer. Thus, I cut it into four portions and place it separately in four freezing bags. I was able to separate the very lean meat from the fatty, two bags of cut lean meat and another two of fatty ones. I had cooked the very lean into beef rendang and Batavian beef semur.
Now for the fatty one, I decided to make tongseng. Normally in Indonesia, tongseng is made of goat meat. As for me using beef meat does not eliminate the yumminess though...
See the recipe here. This time, I added some freshly cut cabbage to the soup just before serving and some Indonesian crackers at the side.

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  1. bapakku doyan tongseng...hihihi, jadi pengen ikutan bikin daripada beli iki .:D

  2. udah lama gak makan tongseng..
    liat ini jadi ngiler

  3. aku doyan sate kambing nasi goreng kambing tongseng kambing sop kambing...mbekkkkkkkkk

    teh botol sama krupuk nambah2i godaan eittt

  4. aku rindu teh Sosro...waduhhhh... kangen kangen!! ekeke!!

  5. @Elsye: bikin sendiri El..yg ini resep simpel kok..

    @Sefa: ayuk bikin...

    @Rita: bau kambing doyan rak? kikikikkk...

    @Kengkaru Kong: emang dmana kok rindu teh sosro? dsini aja ada kok..
