Saturday, December 13, 2008

Stir Fried Red Veggies - I am all about RED!

I am all about red...yes I so do like this color. For me it is bright and cheerful and when it comes to clothes, they look good on my skin tone. I own red color kitchen utensils, and when I opened my fridge I saw bottles of seasonings/sauces mostly in red color. Found a whole of spiral sliced ham wrapped in shiny red on my fridge shelf, and in the cupboard there were some snacks with red packaging and cooking ingredients in red boxes or containers as well. Apparently I have purchased or received gifts of red color clothes and winter apparels too.

I was into red-orangy color food too last week...this one is easy to prepare and healthy!

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- 1 red bell pepper, cut into small pieces
- bunch of baby carrot, cut into 3 each
- bunch of mushroom, cut into 4 each
- 2 green onion, chop thinly
- 6 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 2Tbsp of oyster sauce
- 1Tbsp of fish sauce
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- water
- 1Tbsp of corn starch, dissolve it with a little bit of water
- 1Tbsp sesame oil

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In a wok saute chop garlic with a little bit of sesame oil until fragrant. Add carrot and then bell pepper and cook for 2minutes. Add app. 200ml of water and cook until boiling. Add fish sauce, oyster sauce and pepper and stir it well. Add mushroom and cook for 2minutes. Add green onion and corn starch solution and stir it instantly until thicken. Serve it with steamed rice and meat menu.


  1. ya ampunnn merahhhh...hehehhee kerennn, btw anakmu wis gede Lid..lucuu abiss..udah berapa bulan sih..

  2. iya aku seneng merah El..
    Bianca dah 20bl lebih, Jordan 3bl..
    thx El..fotomu keren nih..

  3. bener-bener merah membaraaaaaaaaa
    tapi bikin nafsu makan loh Lid

  4. Fotone cakep Lid, suka warna merah ya.. aku juga, tapi ora kabeh sih he he.. apa lagi warna merah cartier (opo sih jenenge nek merah agak tua? binun)

    Salam nggo Bianca dan Jordan ya.. dah gede Jordan, cepet banget perkembangan bocah jaman sekarang :)

  5. wah Lid..3 bulan kok wes duduk tho. cepet banget seh.
    Potomu tambah keren buu..Merah..membara...penuh hasrat..selera makan juga dadi membara..(hehehe ga nyambung yo)

  6. merah merah delima, ali baba... hehee

  7. aku yo seneng abang lid...apalagi cedhak2 natal gini hehehe bawaane merah ijo melulu hihihik

  8. @ Sefa: betul Fa..nafsu makan jd naek..

    @Judith: thx..iya Jordan dah gede..dah bs diajak becanda

    @Rosy: Jordan blom duduk kok jeng..itu trik dr fotografer aja..

    @Mindy: nyanyi terusssss....hihih

    @Rita: aku seh forever red peduli mo natal apa engga
