Saturday, September 13, 2008



This is a typical beef soup from East Java, which characterized by dark color of kluwek (Pangium edule). The taste is combination of many spices added to the broth. This time, I just made it by adding instant seasoning, coz it is so hard to find kluwek in Canada.

- 1kg of lean beef meat, boil until tender and then cut into small cubes
- 1 package of Munik brand Rawon seasoning
- beef broth from boiling the beef
- salt
- sugar

Side dishes:
- 4 boiled eggs
- 1 lime
- bean sprout
- crushed chili
- krupuk/Indonesian crackers
- steam rice
- fried onion


In a pot, boil beef broth and then add beef cubes and instant seasoning. Stir it well and continue to cook for 15min until the seasoning immersed. Adjust the taste with salt and sugar.
To serve, place the soup in a bowl and add raw bean sprout on top. Sprinkle some fried onion and drizzle some lime juice. Add boil egg, crackers, and crushed chili at the side. Serve it with warm steam rice.


  1. Lidia....kok iso podo yo..aku yo lagi maem karo rawon iki , tp tak tambahi radish. hehehe..bumbune instant pisan sih...toss disik ah.
    baideweh, lha iku kok ono krupuk model indonesia, impor tha?
    Met wiken yoo

  2. toss Ros..tanteku di California jg wingi nelp gek maem rawon jg...wah demam rawon ning endi2 ki..hehehe..
    Krupuk aci-ne aku tuku nang Calgary kira2 3jam driving dr Edmonton sini, sing dodol wong Indo nang omahe. Tuku mung 2 pak gede wis entek saiki...Met wiken jg Ros...

  3. umm...yumm yummm.....jadi ingin masak rawon lg deh!

  4. Actually, it is not hard to find black nut a.k.a kluwak for purchase in Winnipeg

  5. Lidia, salam kenal dari Tuty di Washington state. Nurut kamu bumbu rawon Munik agak kemanisan nggak sih? Aku lebih suka yg bikinan Bamboe... at least lebih pas sama seleraku sih. Nice pictures in all postings... bikin aku ngiler nih. :-)

  6. wahhhhh jadi terinspirasi bikin nganggo bumbu instant juga kekeke

    indofood punya ok ndak yooo

  7. @Fanny: ayo dibikin Fan..seger..

    @Pepy: oh ya? wah dsini susah Pep..kecuali di Calgary kali' ya..

    @Tuty: makasih dah mampir..personally aku lbh suka munik sih..mgk krn kuantitasnya lebih byk jd lebih mantap..itupun pasti aku tambahin garam biasanya krn aku bikin kuahnya banyak..

    @Rita: indofood menurutku ga enak Rit..coba cari Munik atau bamboe..
