Friday, September 12, 2008

Oseng Tempe

Oseng Tempe2

This is one of our family favorite dishes for it is simple yet delicious. OK, just straight to the point of how to make is the recipe...

- 2 blocks of tempeh, cut into small cubes and fry it until half cooked
- 250gr of haricot beans, cut into 4cm in length
- 6cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 3cloves of small red onion, chop thinly
- 2Tbsp of sambal oelek (crushed chili, available in jar at Asian stores)
- 3cm of galangal, cut into 3
- 3 Indonesian bay leaves
- 1Tbsp of palm sugar (you may replace it with brown sugar)
- 2Tbsp of sweet soy sauce
- 2Tbsp of fish sauce
- 1 tomato, cut into 12
- water
- oil for saute

Oseng Tempe

In a wok saute garlic and onion with a little bit of oil until fragrant. Add fish sauce, bay leaves and galangal and stir it while continue to saute for 2minutes. Add sambal oelek/crushed chili and some water (app. 100ml), stir it well. Add tempeh and beans and stir it well and cook until boiling. Add palm sugar, sweet soy sauce and tomato, continue to cook for another 4minutes. Adjust the taste with fish sauce and sweet soy sauce. Serve it with warm steam rice.


  1. Lid, background difoto kuwi kemasan tempe ya? berarti tempenya sebalak2 gede gitu ya ... podo karo tempe diswiss, he he! Hari ini aku juga masak tempe tahu Lid, Rabu wingi aku tuku tempe neng Bern.

  2. Tempenya keliatan apik banget, jadi pengen nyodorin piring kosong niy..he..he. Di Hamburg tempenya suka kurang sip rada ada asemnya gitu.

  3. weleh nikmeh banget. Wes suwe aku ga nggawe tempe Lid. Dadi pengen iki. Ngertio ngono aku mau teko karo nggowo piring hehehe
    Lid, potomu tambah bening ae dear. Hebat euy.

  4. @Judith: iya bucil itu frozen tempe, tp yg ini engga gede kok kemasane, kira2 200gr beratnya..nek dulu di Montreal malah lebih gede lagi, kira2 350gr. Ini td aku masak sambel grg udang+tahu+tempe...mumpung msh ada stock tempe di freezer..

    @Mb Retno: yg ini lumayan enak tempenya luwih enak gawe dhewe kok mbak..Summer th lalu aku gawe dhewe lebih mak nyoss krn seger, engga dibekukan...Summer th ini sibuk pindahan, jd engga bikin tempe..

    @Rosy: makasih Ros..ini jg msh blajar kok..
    ayok gawe tempe yok...aku kdg males minceti dele-ne..

  5. wah iki panganan favoritku banget lid...pengennnnnnn
