Sunday, September 14, 2008

Temro (Spicy Tempeh Filled Cassava)


Judith, my friend from the Switzerland have posted this cassava snack before and I was drooling over it. So the other day I decided to make it myself, but instead of making it from whole cassava like what she did, I made a shortcut by purchasing frozen grated cassava.

- 450gr frozen grated cassava, thaw and discard the excessed water
- 3Tbsp of grated coconut, keep the excessed water for filling
- salt
- frying oil

To make filling:
- 1 block of tempeh, crush into small pieces
- 2cloves of small red onion
- 4cloves of garlic
- 2tsp of ground kencur
- 1Tbsp of soy sauce (I replaced it with fish sauce)
- 1Tbsp of palm sugar
- 4 chili paddy, chop thinly
- 2 green onion, chop thinly
- coconut milk
- bunch of lime basil leaves (I skipped these)


Mix well grated cassava, grated coconut and salt. Keep it aside.
Crush garlic and onion and then saute it with a little bit of oil until fragrant. Add tempeh, chili and fish sauce and stir it well. Add coconut milk and continue to cook until boiling. Add ground kencur and palm sugar and stir it well. At last add green onion. Turn off the stove.
To make temro, using two of palm hands, form ball shapes from the cassava mixture. Then flatten it on the palm of hand, fill it up with a tea spoon of tempeh filling. Roll it back and form the whatever shapes you prefer. Do it again and again until all is done. Then deep fry it with oil under medium high heat until golden brown on each side. Serve it warm.



  1. Waaahh...kmarin2 ini baru aja mikirin how good to have some of this tempeh snack in this rainy weather!! Delicious!

  2. Lidia, would you believe that in Guyana they have a similar dish without the filling? They are called Cassava Balls. Check it out at
    BTW, what would be a good substitute of tempeh (I can't find tempeh nearby I live)? Will sauted ground beef work? Would love to hear from you.

  3. @Cecil: dah dicoba blom nih bikin temro?

    @anonymous: sorry just got a chance to get back to you now..super busy with my lil one...
    Hm..ground beef won't be bad, but you may try boiled soybeans with the same spices I used, since tempeh is fermented soybeans.
    Will check out your site later...Hv a great day!

  4. @anonymous: I mean boiled soybeans and then seasoned it with the spices...
