Thursday, June 26, 2008

Green Jackfruits Gulai


My husband loves this gulai and I just found out that my 15month old daughter is after her father in liking this meal. I did not have to wait for her to ask for the next bites, she said "mau..mau.." which means "I want".
This time around I did not use beef and bones, I added some shrimp instead. Here is the recipe:

- 300gr of shrimp
- 2 can green jackfruit, drain and cut into small pieces
- 6 pieces of tofu, cut into triangle shapes, fry until half cooked
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 1 lemongrass, cut into 4cm length
- 4 Indonesian bay leaves
- 4 lime leaves
- 6 cloves garlic
- 4 cloves small red onion
- 4 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 5 candle nuts
- 4cm of galangal
- 3cm of ginger
- 3cm of turmeric
- 1Tbsp ground coriander
- 1 tsp tamarind (without seed)
- 1/2 block/cylinder of coconut sugar
- 3lt water
- salt
- sugar
- oil for frying


Put garlic, onion, chili, candle nuts, ginger, turmeric and coriander into a blender, and blend it until smooth. Saute it in a wok with a little bit of oil. Add the shrimp and stir it until changed color. Add water and the rest of ingredients except coconut milk and chili. Cook until the jack fruits tender. Lastly add the coconut milk and bring it to boil, stir occasionally. Taste and adjust it with salt and sugar. (I added the chili at last, after I separated some out for Bianca, since she is still too young to eat spicy food).


  1. waaaaaa kemarin aku sempet bikin kare kambing, mau ditambahin nangka... eh lupa naruhnya :D

  2. wah endang disana ada nangka. biar kalengan juga, yg penting ada. disini ga ada neh. padahal pengen bikin gudeg.

  3. Dropping by to say hi and that you have a great blog! Awesome recipes, btw.

  4. @Sefa: ga papa Fa, bikin lagi kali ini gule..lumayan bisa jadi 2masakan kan? hehehe..

    @Mindy: iya Min, dsini yg seger pun mahal dan bergetah lagi..jd gw beli yg kalengan aja..
    Gudeg gw kaga suka, krn manis

    @Sri: thx for stopping by and the compliments!
