Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Extended Leave

Dear friends and readers,
Just a quick note to let you know that I am extending my leave for another month, since the moving in process is not as smooth as I thought. The good news is we have found our own apartment...quite nice one compared to the one we had previously. The bad news is it's only available on July 1, and we have not got any land line phone nor internet connection.
I've never imagined I would miss blogging this much..
Well, hang on there...bear with me for another month, okay? and I will come back with some fresh recipes from my new kitchen...


  1. YAY.. senengnya sut dapet apt baru walaupun baru per 1 July bisa ditempatin. tapi ga lama lagi kok itu say.

  2. Sabar...sabar...1 Juli tinggal menghitung hari aja kok, Lid! Congrats ya udah dapet tempat baru. Nanti rencana mau tinggal di Edmonton ya? Jauh gak dari Red Deer? hihihi..pakai tanya2 segala..kayak mau main kesana aja!
