Saturday, May 24, 2008

Out of the Kitchen

Dear friends and readers,

I will be out of my kitchen starting on Saturday, May 24 '2008 until the first week of June '2008. I will be moving away to other province. This is gonna be our long long trip..more than 3000km driving, many cities to stop by, many friends to visit..
I am personally so excited and looking forward to seeing some old and new friends.

The new town is called Edmonton in Alberta province. We will pass 3 other provinces on our way to get there. If we do it straight, it takes up almost 3 days, but since we will make some stops so it will be 8-10days on road. We will take it easy, since we are not in a rush and considering that I am 5mo pregnant now and that we bring Bianca along, we will take our times.
The plan is staying with my in laws for 4days in Mississauga, ON. And then staying with my old friends in Winnipeg,MB and meeting new friends for 2days. These are our defined plan. Other than that we take it casually..staying in hotels for sure, but have not known where and when yet.

Out of kitchen means my family will eat whatever we find at fast food restaurants, mostly junk food (I don't mind though...but am sorry for my Bianca and her little brother in my womb) and I will surely miss my time spent in kitchen. Btw, I threw away all of my kitchen utensils, not a single spoon left, since our car is not big enough to carry all of our belonging. In some part it is sad to leave all of my tools, but at the other side I am happy just to think that I will get all new stuff when we get there.

OK friends, I am sorry if I did not have time to say good bye before, so here is a way to say it now. I will miss you all badly, but promise..I will be online once in awhile whenever I can...
Luv u all!


  1. Lid, kalo gitu tambah deket ke barat dong ya...gak jauh nih dari Oregon kalo terbang, tapi kalo naik mobil sih 2 hari hehe..

  2. lid...pindah tohh...met beberes ya buu..moga lancar and sehat selalu..:D

  3. Hai Lidia...wah mau makan angin ek..aduhh seronok sekali kedengaran..ok have a nice holidays and sweet moments!! Don't forget to snap picture at every places u drop-by k..hehe, then, only u can share wif us.. ;))

  4. mba Lidiaa selamat jalan yaaaa..semoga perjalanannya lancaarr sampe tempat tujuan. Bianca sm bumilnya jg sehat2 ngga rewel selama di jalan yaa..dinikmatin aja sekalian jalan2 gt hehehe mampirr 2 kaannn iya dehhh semoga kita bisa kopdaran lagi yaaaaa...muaahh salam bt bianca.

  5. Lidia,

    Wah pindahnya kok ngedadak? Alberta juga dingin banget katanya ya Lid? Nanti cerita2 ya!

  6. @Eliza: iya tambah ke west, boleh2 kalo mau maen kesini..seneng...

    @Elsye: makasih El, sorry baru bales nih..

    @Ummi: thx Ummi, I did took some pics and will post it on my other blog

    @Widie: makasih say..iya mudah2an ada yg nyusul ke sini..hehehe..

    @Elyani: benernya udah lama rencananya El setaunan gitu deh, tp mgk ga sempet crita2 d blog. Iya dsini dingin krn Edmonton tuh lbh k North..let's see how I can overcome winter here..nti pasti crita2..
