Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Farewell Menu is so good to have my internet back, after almost a month without it. We have been staying in our friend's house since we arrived in Edmonton at the beginning of June, and I've been using their computer with the internet connection as well. However, two days ago the computer got crashed after someone else using it. At the first place, I thought it was a bad thing...meaning that I would not be able to use the internet (well I used it for light internet usage only such as checking email and leaving comment for other blogger's page, not for blogging or downloading though). But then what I thought bad, turned out to be good (not that I am happy that my friend's computer got crashed), after I desperately plugged in the ethernet cable to my laptop and works!! I was so excited!!
Now I can freely download and upload photos and type recipe without worrying about disc space, since it is my own.

Anyhow...We left Montreal, QC on May 23, 2008 and after 7 hour driving we reached Missisauga, ON where we were staying with Christian's parents for 4days. On the last day, we went for brunch in a Chinese restaurant nearby. It was for our farewell with Christian's family, since we would not see each other for quite sometimes after this...and we do not know for how long we will see each other again coz the distance now is further than before. I managed to take some pictures of the food. And here are the pictures, enjoy!!


When we were waiting for our order to arrive, I took picture of hot chili oil and a clean tea cup. Christian and I like to eat the hot chili oil with what we order and we always ask for it whenever we eat in a Chinese or Vietnamese restaurant. The taste is better than sambal oelek.


These are typical tools you would find at any Chinese restaurant.


The restaurant is known for its specialty in serving conge (Chinese rice porridge), so we ordered the chicken conge plus you char kway or Chinese cruller (cahkwe). It was so good...I could have some more...and Bianca loved it too.


Actually we ordered Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce, but when it came it was just garlic sauted one. But still it was very good as expected.


The squid was crunchy and tasty. All had gone in few minutes..


This is char kway teow or fried flat rice noodle (kweetiaw goreng-Indonesian). It was a bit greasy but the taste was delicious...I did not mind to add some more weight for this yummy kway teow...


And at the end, this was what we see...
You may see a little bit of a black tip tray on the left, for you to know, in Canada restaurant tipping is suggested as much as 10-15% of the total purchase.

Well..that's it folks...hope it gives you picture of what we had for our farewell with my in law's.


  1. Nyam nyam nyam ... nyaaammmiiii seneng dah liat hidanganmu lagi

  2. hehehe..tengkiu ini bukan masakanku loh...ini masakan restoran cina tempat perpisahan kami dg keluarga mertua..

  3. Nggak apa2 bukan masakanmu Lid, yang penting dah seneng liat kowe dah bisa update lagee ...

  4. iya bucil...makasih ya..aku yo wis kangen buangeeeeeettt ki...

  5. tip nya lumayan juga ya Lid..:D..btw asik bisa makan2 bareng :D

  6. Iya El..dsini brasa banget kalo mau kasi tip..
    seneng sih kmrn skrg dah jauh, susah ketemuannya..
