Thursday, April 10, 2008

What we had on Bianca's and Daddy's birthday party

Green Jackfruit Gulai

April is month of birthdays in the Sianturi family. There are lots of our relatives who was born in April, including my husband, my Bianca, my mother in law, father in law, sister in law-Shinta, and some of my husband's cousins (Kezia, Cherry, Sarah..and...any one else?). Sorry if I forgot to mention someone's name.
Last Sunday after church service, we had a small party to celebrate Bianca's and Daddy's birthday with all our church friends. I cooked green jackfruit gulai as seen above and stir fried spicy chocho as seen below. The recipes can be seen here.

Stir fried spicy chocho

I also asked my good friend, Lucia to cook rice dumpling, Indonesian crackers (kerupuk), and sambal terasi. Thank you Lus...your sambal terasi is definitely the best as it is so spicy!

Rice dumpling

Side dishes: Vegetable fritter, Indonesian crackers, sambal terasi

There were some side dishes to accompany the main dish, which includes vegetable fritter, Indonesian crackers and sambal terasi as seen above. You may find the recipe of vegetable fritter here.

Birthday cake

Celebrating birthday is not complete without birthday cake and blowing candle. For birthday cake, this time I did not bother to make it myself, as some of you may know I'd never baked before. So we just ordered it from a bakery shop. Initially I wanted to order something kiddie..however considering that it was not only Bianca's, I changed my mind and ended up with this blackforest cake. It's not funny to have "winnie the pooh" cake with a handsome-mature man blowing candles, right?...can you imagine?
The blackforest cake was so good coz it had real cherry crushed as filling.

Vanilla and cocoa pudding

Unexpectedly, one of our church member, Ibu Tiana, brought some vanilla and cocoa pudding. It was so yummy..and Bianca loved it! Merci beaucoup...

Pandan roll cake

On that weekend I also found out that Widi, our friend here in Montreal was having birthday on the same day as Bianca. And on Monday she came to our apartment and brought us this yummy pandan roll cake. Thank you Widi, it was a very nice of you! Once again happy birthday...

Even though I felt so tired after, I feel so happy that one phase of my daughter's development had passed. She is one year old now, a big girl! Time flies by...
Happy birthday my girl, you are a princess of my heart as always!
Happy birthday daddy...thank you for sharing today and the future with us!

note: for special report on their birthday, visit my other blogs later on next week: A Devoted Wife and Daddy's Little Princess


  1. lidia...kuenya enak bgt..resepnya mana ... boleh gak minta ??? kelihatan lembut lidia..and good looking...salam.

  2. I tuh ga bisa baking, jd cake-nya pesen di bakery shop..sorry ya Li, ga ada resepnya..
    trus yg pandan roll itu pemberian teman..
    Ini mau blajar baking dulu dr suhu2nya di blog..
