Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tinutuan (Manadonese Mixed Porridge)

When I went to a university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia I had many friends from other provinces. It was a great time to know other cultures, including their foods. My first impression of this Manadonese porridge was not that appealing...seemed like they just put everything in a bowl...However, when I tasted it, I felt in love with this food. Lucky me, I got a chance to learn how to cook it from a friend when we lived in a boarding house together.
Last week, when I made it..surprisingly enough, my 1y old daughter loved it, of course without the side dishes...

- 2 cups of rice
- water
- bunch of spinach (or water morning glory)
- 1 lemon grass, cut into 5cm in length then crack it with pestle
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 3 green onion, chop thinly
- bunch of lime basil leaves
- 2 medium sized sweet potato (or squash), peel off the skin and cut into small chunks
- 1 can of corn (sweet and peaches)
- 1 tsp of ground white pepper
- salt
- sugar
- oil for saute

Side dishes:
- fried onion
- fried tofu or anchovy fritter (this time I only had fried anchovy and veggie fritter)
- fried salted fish (I did not have it this time)
- Manadonese chili paste-dabu-dabu or sambal terasi

In a big pot, boil rice, lemon grass and water until cooked and become porridge. Add some more water as needed. Add sweet potato and continue to cook until soft and then crush the sweet potato. Add corn and green onion and continue to cook until boiling again.
Meanwhile, in a pan saute garlic with a little bit of oil until brownish and then add it to the pot. Adjust the taste with pepper, salt and sugar.
At last add spinach/other veggies and basil leaves and continue to cook until boiling again.

To make dabu-dabu:
- 10 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 5 cloves of small red onion
- 1 tomato, cut into small chunks
- 1 lime
- salt
- sugar

In a chopper chop chili, garlic and onion until coarsely smooth. Place it in a small bowl. Add cut tomato, salt and sugar. Drizzle some lime juice and mix it well.

To serve, place the porridge in a bowl and add the side dishes. Sprinkle some fried onion on top.

Note: Please bear with the blurry picture, since I was shaking when taking it...too starving maybe!


  1. iya Pep..enak dan bergizi lagi..tp sayang fotonya burem, akibat shaking udah laper...

  2. Terima Kasih bu untuk resep - resepnya di blog ini, banyak yang enak2.

    Kita orang Manado, kebetulan dapa lia ini Blog waktu lagi cari resep for momasa (memasak)udang deng katang (kepiting), dari dp gambar, itu tinutuan (Manadonese Mixed Porridge)salah beking.

    Kita ndak niat mo mencela, cuma mo kase tau. Kalu mau, nanti qta kase resep pangi deng paniki, babi isi di bulu juga ada.

    Kalu ka Manado jang lupa pigi di Wakeke, disitu tampa jual tinutuan di pagi2.

    Oh iyo, ibu tulis "sambal dabu - dabu", itu salah, dabu - dabu = sambal, dabu - dabu itu bahasa Manadonya sambal. ^_^!

    Makasih, maaf kalu ada kata2 yg menyinggung.

  3. Buat yg ga mau nyebutin nama,
    makasih ya tuk masukannya...saya dapa resep ini juga dr orang manado asli..jd maaf kalau salah bikin, diajarinnya begitu sih...tp tetep aja enak..
    Yg benernya gimana dong?
    Trus u/ dabu2 udah saya ralat ya...thx..
