Friday, April 29, 2011

Rolade Siomay (Siu May Rollade)

Rolade Siomay2

I was going through my pictures file and found these pictures from year 2009.'s been 2 years and I have not posted any recipe for it..(what a lazy blogger! oops...). And a former friend from my Uni year, asked me if I could share the recipe with him. So here I am typing the recipe for you all. For me this is a sinful snack, since I luvvv savory (moreover deep fried) snacks..I could not stop munching them when they are there on my table. Just gimme some hot sauce, and I just dip them in and eat them. The kids like to have it with some steamed rice too. It is a variation of siomay and wonton filling.

- 400g shrimp, deveined (you may use other meats too)
- chopped green onion
- 3cm of ginger
- 4 shallot
- 6 garlic
- 1 Tbsp of sugar
- 1 Tbsp of oyster sauce
- 1 Tbsp of fish sauce
- 1 tsp of ground white pepper
- 1 tsp of sesame oil
- 1-2 Tbsp of corn starch (depend on how wet your mixture)

- bean curd sheets (I used the fresh/wet one, you may use the dried one and wet it with water)
- egg, lightly beaten
- bread crumbs (I used panko or Japanese bread crumbs)
- frying oil

Rolade Siomay

Process all of the ingredients except green onion and corn starch in a food processor until smooth. Place the mixture in a container/mixing bowl, add the green onion and corn starch, mix well. Then take one of the bean curd sheets, spread flat on the table or chopping board. Place 2 Tbsp of the filling along the center of it. And then roll the skin up to form a long cylinder, try to close the edge by pushing in the skin to the cylinder. Do it to all of the filling and skin. Dip the cylinder into beaten egg and then into the bread crumbs. You may do it twice for crunchier result. Deep fry it over medium low heat until crunchy and golden brown.


  1. Lidia,
    Selamat Paskah ya...

    Ini keliatan yummy banget. Kalau pake kulit lumpia Filipin bisa nggak ya? Males nyari kulit tahu nih :(

    Terus langsung bisa digoreng ya.. nggak perlu dikukus dulu?

  2. Selamat Paskah jg ya..makasih..
    Btw, aku ga tau kulit lumpia filipin yag kayak gimana ya? Mungkin bs..modif aja. Aku biasa lgs goreng, krn males ngukus, tp kalau mau aman, spy bener2 mateng ya dikukus dulu, biar gorengnya ga kelamaan.

  3. siomaynya menggiurkan hahahaha... mantap, salam kenal deh

  4. makasih mas Jujuk sudah mampir dan memberi komen...salam kenal jg yah..

  5. wah enak nih..... thks for sharing :)

  6. hahaha bisa aja mbak, kalo tertarik bisa ngobrol2 chat di yahoo aja atau sms aku di 081 7033 62601.
    terimakasih juga udah berkunjung ke tempatku mbak.

  7. wah idemu muantep tenan lid! ciamikkkk...aku grogi tapi nggoreng kulit tahu...
