Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Stealing Picture Please...

When I was checking out facebook today, I was so surprised to see a main picture on a group's profile. This picture is so familiar to me and when I starred at it I knew for sure, it is indeed a picture taken by me last year. I was not angry nor upset, in fact I did not know what to say...
So many same cases have happened to my blogger friends, but when it comes to me, I just did not know what to do.

Here is the link of the group: link
And here is the picture stolen.


I have sent a message to the administrator, but have not gotten any reply yet. Hopefully I will get an answer and explanation soon.


  1. aduhhhhhhhh kejadian lagi :(
    apa sih susahnya pada minta ijin, bikin gemesssssss

    semoga ada tanggapan ya Lid

  2. Hallo Ci Lid..
    Ini Reni, masih inget ga ? Istrinya Ruddy. Pa kabar ? Aku lagi iseng2 surfing blog, trus ada link yang nyambung ke blog ini. Wah, sekarang dah punya 2 buntut yah. Congrats ya, walupun telat. Blognya bagus Ci. Ok, salam buat hubby and kids..

  3. iku wong2 opo ra ngerti bahwa foto kuwi bukan buat bebas dipake yo? hehe...yo wes dibicarake wae sama yg ngambil lid, liat apa jawabane

  4. @Sefa: sementara tanggapannya kurang mengenakkan nih...tp aku msh sabar kok menghadapinya...

    @Reni: Hai Ren...iya msh inget dong...Sama kan kita punya dua? Mau nambah lagi?
    Thx ya dah mampir...salam jg buat kedua angelmu, buat Ruddy sih ga usah...hahaha...wong bisa nowel di YM sih...

    @Rita: iya ga ngeh copyright kali Rit...katanya dia ambil dr google...lah tp kan dsitu jelas2 ada watermarknya...ada link URL lagi...
