Wednesday, March 18, 2009

MFM#2 MARET 2009-WARNA WARNI: "Me Style" Mie Goreng

As it is posted on my Multiply, and yes it is partly in Indonesian and English as well...sorry...


Ini pertama kalinya ikut MFM..(setelah dikompori sama Deetha). Kali ini hostnya adalah my dear friend Yeni. Terus terang tema bebasnya malah bikin saya bingung milih foto mana yg mau saya submit...hehehe...manusia manusia...kalau dibatasi bingung, diberi kebebasan jg bingung...
Yah akhirnya pilih2 stok foto di flickr...nemu ini:

mi goreng2

Ini resep sederhana saya karena ada sisa mie yg sudah diseduh/direbus untuk soto mie, buat sarapan pagi lumayan ngenyangin. Bikinnya jg super cepat dan gampang. Suami dan anak suka...OK, yuk bikin....

- 1 package of egg noodle, boiled, drained, greased with frying oil, evenly mixed with sweet soy sauce
- 6 pieces of prawn balls, cut into 3 each
- 20 pieces of shrimp
- 3 eggs, scrambled, seasoned with salt and pepper
- bunch of caisim/mustard green, boiled and drained
- 6 cloves of garlic, thinly chopped
- 3 cloves of shallot, thinly chopped
- 2Tbsp of sesame oil
- 1Tbsp of oyster sauce
- 1Tbsp of sweet soy sauce
- 3Tbsp of fish sauce
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- 3 green onion, thinly chopped

mi goreng3

In a wok, saute garlic and onion with sesame oil until fragrant. Add shrimp and prawn balls and continue to cook until the shrimp changed color. Add fish sauce, oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce, caisim and pepper, stir it well. Add the boiled noodle and stir it well until all the seasoning distributed evenly. Adjust the taste with fish sauce and sweet soy sauce. At last add green onion and scrambled eggs and remove the wok from the stove.
To serve, sprinkle some fried onion on top. Add chili at your preference.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yu, Logo MFM nang kene gak usah dipasang an gak usah ditulis MFM#2, krn MFM khusus buat dipasang di MP. Jadi kl dipasang di sini bebas bisa pk bahasa inggris juga kalo mau.

  3. hehehe...iya Pep..krn aku crossposting dr MP, baru aku edit tambahan kalimat plg atas...makanya muncul kabeh...begitu...
