Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Raisin Cake To My Favorite...

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Initially I wanted to make lapis surabaya, my forever favorite cake...However when browsing around the recipe on the internet, I found out it requires a big quantity of eggs and as a beginner in baking I do not dare to follow the recipe with a large amount of eggs. How if I fail? I do not want to waste the eggs that way..
So instead of making it layers, I just made it simple and added some raisin. This becomes my favorite...

- 2 egg yolk
- 3 whole eggs
- 55g sugar
- 1tsp of ovalet
- 35g all purpose flour
- 15g of full cream milk powder (I used baby formula)
- 15g of corn starch
- 100 gr of melted margarine
- 1Tbsp of rhum
- 150gr of raisin

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Mix eggs and sugar with a mixer at high speed for 10minutes. Add ovalet and continue to mix until thick and fluffy. Add shifted flour, milk powder, corn starch and rhum, and mix it well with a spatula. Add melted margarine and mix it well again. Transfer it to a loaf tin which was layered with margarine and flour and then add the raisin. Bake at 350F for 40minutes.

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  1. raisine ambleg kabeh mengisor hehe :D

  2. Ya maklum bulik..wong diriku ini msh pemula..tidak seperti njenengan yg sudah expert...

  3. biasanya kalo bikin cake pake raisin, raisin dibalur terigu dulu sampe rata. Ntar raisin bakalan nyebar dan sedikit yang ambles deh. contohnya di link

  4. eh podo lid...aku yo wegah nek njajal resep baru sing butuh endhog akeh...ngko bener2 sayang ndhog'e nek gatot hehehe

  5. @Rita: tul Rit...sayang banget ya? resep ini jd resep andalan saiki...krn terbukti enak...
