Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pepes Ayam (Steamed Seasoned Chicken)

Here it comes again the monthly event of "Masak Bareng" held by Indonesian Foodie Bloggers. Steamed seasoned chicken is the theme for November. It is kinda strange for my husband's ears since he is more familiar with fish one. He never thought that chicken would be good cooked that way. Unfortunately I did not have any banana leaf, but it did not stop me to prepare this meal and join the event. So I steamed it with no banana leaf to wrap with. The taste was still good though...

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- 8 chicken drumsticks
- 8cloves of garlic
- 3cloves of small red onion
- 8 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 5 candle nuts
- 4cm of galangal
- 4cm of ginger
- 2 lemon grass, cut into 1cm in length for easy grinding
- 4 bilimbi, cut into 4 each
- 4 lime leaves
- 4 Indonesian bay leaves
- 1/2tsp of ground turmeric
- 1 tomato
- salt
- sugar
- 70ml water

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In a blender, grind all of the seasonings except the leaves and bilimbi, until smooth. Transfer it into a heat resistant container. Then put the chicken in together with the leaves and bilimbi and mix it well. Steam it for 45minutes. Serve it with warm steamed rice. You may add some more whole chili to give an extra spicyness.


  1. kempole ayam seksih sekali hehe... wah enak jg yo dikasi blimbing wuluh... aku wes nggowo soko Indo wingi hihii...sak kresek saiki tak leboke friser

  2. pasti seger banget pake belimbing wuluh ya mbak Lid?!
    Nyicip dong.... :p

  3. Hmmmmm Yummy....... duh pake nasi anget tambah klop deh....

  4. aku juga gak punya daun pisang Lid, makanya pake alu foil aja :D

    pasti seger deh pake blimbing wuluh... ihiks, disini gak ada :(

  5. @Ayin, Shinta, Sefa: iya lebih seger dg blimbing wuluh...aku beli frozen di Asian store.

    @Andrie: tengkiu...

  6. Mampir bentar Lid :) enak ya di tempatmu nggak sulit cari belimbing wuluh. Ditempatku malahan nggak ada, padahal enak juga je buat nyambel :D

  7. adane frozen it's ok drpd ga ada samsek..ya ga?
