Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Thanksgiving Dinner

Sirloin Steak3

Last week end was a long week end for Canadian Thanksgiving's Day. Unlike American, we celebrate it in October, while they have it at end of November. My aunt who lives in California always says that it is better to have it in October since it is still ahead of December, not too close to Christmas, so that we would not be stuffed with good big portion foods twice in a row-or at a very close dates. And I agree with her.
This year we celebrated it at home all by ourselves, my husband, my two kids and me. My husband set up the dinner for us by preparing the main menu. By the time the food was ready, Bianca was too sleepy, so she went to bed for a nap, and we ended up having dinner without the kids (Jordan is too small for steak..hehehe..).

Sirloin Steak

The main menu was sirloin steak (see the recipe here, just replace the ribs with sirloin) and cheez-whiz spread-baked potato. I prepared fresh salad consists of romaine lettuce, red and green bell pepper, cucumber and tomato with Italian dressing.


Not to forget some sauces to spice up the meal (cheez-whiz, Italian dressing, ketchup and Indonesian hot sauce). The drink was a glass of red wine (not in the picture), I only had a sip, considering I am still breastfeeding. We closed the course with a slice of marble cake (see the recipe here) and instead of having tea or coffee, we chose to have a cup of passion fruit (Indonesian-markisa) syrup with ice.

Marble Cake

We thank you oh dear Lord for all the good and bad things that had happened, it really shows us your mercy and guidance in every day of our lives. Thank you for the countless blessing and thank you just for our little happy family....