Saturday, August 23, 2008

Semur Daging Betawi (Batavian Spiced Beef)


My husband loves this meal and had asked me to make it since 2 week ago, so 3 days ago I prepared it and he thanked me so many times...(even the next day before it's all gone, he said he wants me to make another portion of it...). I did not have any idea he loves it that much...I am sorry dear for postponing for some days...

- 800gr of beef meat, cut into small chunk
- 400gr of washed mini potato
- 2 block of tofu, cut into 8 pieces each, deep fry until half cooked
- 3cloves of small red onion
- 7cloves of garlic
- 4cm of ginger
- 5 candle nuts
- 4 dried cloves flower bud (I skipped this one)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1tsp of ground coriander
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- 2tsp of ground nutmeg
- 1 tomato, cut into 8
- 4Tbsp of sweet soy sauce
- sugar
- salt
- oil for saute
- water, app. 700ml


Grind onion, garlic, ginger and candle nuts in a blender until smooth. Saute it with a little bit of oil until fragrant, then add coriander, pepper, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon stick, continue to stir for 2minutes. Add the beef and continue to cook and stir until color changed. Add some water and stir again. Cook until the meat tender. Add mini potato and cook for 10minutes. Add fried tofu and at last add tomato, sweet soy sauce, salt and sugar and stir well. Serve it with warm steam rice and chili paste (if you like).


  1. Waaaahh asli khas Betawi kiy ... trus dimaem pake Nasi Uduk Betawiiii, nyam nyam ..

  2. Jelas masih ingat dong. Anakku ada 3: diel kelas 5, niel kelas 3 dan yang paling kecil ela nol besar. Wah, aku baru belajar tentang blog. nanti kalau kurang ngerti kamu ajarin yaa. Aq kangen kita bisa kumpul-kumpul lagi.
    love & pray


  3. wahhhh bikin ngilerrrrr.....wawwwww kayaknya sous chef juga bakalan doyan banget ini hehe

  4. aku jadi inget ibu temenku yang suka bikin ginian...hihihihi...ngilerrrr !!

  5. @Judith: iya ya, coba kmrn bikin nasi uduk..tambah mak nyosss...

    @Sis: thx udah mampir ya..sukses selalu! Kumpul2 lagi? wah kapan yak? Salam buat istri n anak2..

    @Rita: SC suka sing manis2 ora? ini agak manis enak krn ada spices-nya..yo ayo dicoba..

    @Elsye: kayaknya memang khas ibu2 Betawi ya El?
