Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pecel Lele (Deep Fried Cat Fish with Chili Paste)


I used to have this meal when I was going to a university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was sold on street stalls. Normally they do not only sell it, they also sell deep fried chicken, pigeon, etc. Last week I was craving for it and decided to prepare it myself.

- frozen cat fish (available at Asian stores)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1Tbsp of ground coriander
- salt
- water
- oil for frying

To make sambal/chili paste:
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 cloves of small red onion
- 12 chili paddy
- 1 tomato
- 1tsp of shrimp paste
- 1Tbsp of palm sugar
- salt
- frying oil


I like to buy cat fish which was cleaned before, so I do not need to clean it myself. In a chopper, crush garlic until smooth and then transfer it into a big container. Add coriander, salt and water (app. 250ml) and mix it well. Marinate the fish in it at least for 30minutes (you may make a shallow cut on its stomach, so that the spice will immerse quickly).
Deep fry it in hot oil under medium high heat until brown and crunchy.
To make chili paste: place all of the ingredients in a microwaveable bowl and microwave it for 2min. Then transfer it into a chopper and crush until smooth.
Eat it with warm steam rice and some fresh veggies. You may add some sweet soy sauce into the sambal if you like.


  1. Lid, ikan lele kiy enak? aku suka ikan goreng garing2 gini tapi seringnya sih ikan laut. Diswiss adanya ikan gurame Lid, lele jarang banget ada, hiks kudu pesen ..

  2. sama kayak mbak Judith disini juga jarang bangett lele :((, gurame apa lagi payahh dwehhh ...banyakan ikan tuna sama ikan2 yang ga aku kenal huhuhuhu..., aku suka di goreng garing Lid lele nya :P...biasa dulu beli di pinggir jalan bareng temen kos...qiqiiqqii

  3. lelemu iso cilik apik ngono..leleku mlengkung je pas tak goreng :D

  4. @Judith: lele itu gurih bucil..dibumbu tumbar+bawang dadi luwih sedep..tp byk org sing jijik krn bentuke koyo belut n rumor cara peliharanya..

    @Elsye: iya El..jaman2 kuliah dulu jg sering nongkrong rame2 di warung pecel lele...what a memory...

    @Ayin: aku ga seneng sing gede2 Yin..dadine aku nek tuku milih sing kuru2/cilik2..nggorenge api sedang ojo gede2 dadi ora mlengkung..ning yo rodo suwe matenge..
