Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Crab Omelet with Tomato Sauce (Fuyunghai)


I had a good school friend coming from Australia last week. He spent 2 whole days in Edmonton just to pay a visit for my family. On the first day, we picked him up to go for dinner at a Malaysian restaurant closed to his hotel. Then on the second day, I invited him to come over to our place for dinner. Since I did not have enough time to prepare fancy meals, I just bought 3 kinds of Chinese meals consist of tofu, mushroom and chicken and prepare one more meal and dessert. For the meal, I chose to make this omelet, since I had all the ingredients on stock and it does not take much time to prepare.

To make the omelet:
- 2 can of crab meat, discard the water
- 5 egg
- 1 carrot, peel off the skin and shred it thinly
- 1/4 can of sweet green peas, discard the water
- salt
- pepper
- sugar
- oil for frying

To make sauce:
- 1 carrot, peel of the skin and shred it thinly
- 3/4 can of sweet green peas, discard the water
- 1 onion, chop thinly
- 1 tomato, cut into 12
- 2Tbsp of tomato paste
- 2cm of ginger, slice it thinly
- 1Tbsp of fish sauce
- 1Tbsp of oyster sauce
- salt
- sugar
- 1Tbsp of maizena or corn flour, dilute it with a little bit of water
- water
- oil for saute


Mix all of the ingredients except oil, in a mixing bowl. Beat the eggs well. Then fry it with a little bit of oil and flip it over until both sides are done. Keep it aside.
In a pan, saute chopped onion with a little bit of oil until fragrant. Add ginger and tomato and continue to saute until the tomato becomes soft. Add some water (app. 200ml), fish sauce and oyster sauce, stir and cook until boiling. Adjust the taste with salt and sugar. Add shredded carrot and green peas and cook for 2minutes. Add the corn flour mix and stir it instantly until you get thick consistency.
To serve, place the omelet on a serving plate and then pour the sauce on top. Eat it with warm steam rice.


  1. udah lama gak makan fu yung hai euy

  2. sebenernya gue paling sebel kalau di suruh makan crab paling sausnya doang yg gue makan...
    tapi lihat punya mu haduh jadi pengen secara dah lama gak makan

  3. LId, crabnya bisa diganti apaan ya...duhh makk keliatan enak b angett

  4. @Shelvy: tp ga alergi kan? jd bisa dong makan lg..

    @Elsye: crabnya bs diganti tuna atau udang kecil2..sama enaknya kok El..yg penting jadi omelet..

  5. wah neng indo favorit iki...neng kene ora nganggo kepiting...hiks...pengennn

  6. yo bikin dhewe Rit, sing nganggo piting..pasti wenak...
