Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Stir Fried Baby BokChoy

I personally like to cook baby bokchoy, since it is no need to be cut, meaning less preparation time needed. Moreover the cooking time is not that long and the result is fresh crunchy veggie. It is normally cooked with other veggies or meat. However, this time I just cooked it all by itself and added some ginger and oyster sauce. That's it...simple right?

- bunch of baby bokchoy, wash to get rid of the dirt
- 5 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 4 cloves of small red onion, chop thinly
- 5cm of ginger, peel off the skin and slice thinly
- 2 Tbsp of oyster sauce
- 2 Tbsp of fish sauce
- oil for saute

In a wok, saute garlic, onion and ginger with a little bit of oil until fragrant. Add fish and oyster sauce, stir it. Add washed baby bokchoy, stir and cook for 4-5minutes. Serve with steam rice and other dishes.


  1. Lidia...hmm aku paling suka masakan ini..enak,....Lid..Fotonya keren banget....nice shoot lid...

  2. tengkiu Li...foto msh amatiran n coba2 kok...makasih loh dah dipuji, jd semangat nih

  3. Iya..lidia..ayo maju terus...aku tahu kamu orangnya kreative...eh..lid..aku kemarin bikin soto kudus..tapi urung diposting..ha ha ha....
    eh pernah bikin ayam zechuan gak???

  4. Lid, ini sayur kan enak, aku doyan banget....potone yo apik koq.....

  5. iya Rit, kita dsini jg gemar sama sayur ini...
    makasih ya pujiannya..aku msh blajar2 kok..

  6. Lihat makanan indo koq jadi ikut kangen dan lapar yah...

    Salam kenal mbak..
