Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Soto Mie (Soto Soup with Mixed Noodle)

Missing Indonesia so much and drooling over Deetha's page are the main reason I spent more of my time in the kitchen the other day just to prepare this soto mie. The result was good, but still could not ease my feeling of missing Indonesia.
Here is the recipe I copied from Deetha's (with a little modification).

- 300g beef meat with some fat, boil and then cut into small cubes
- 2000ml water for boiling the meat
- 3 Indonesian bay leaves
- 3 lime leaves

- 1 lemon grass, cut into 4cm in length and crack it with pestle
- 10 chili paddy or bird's eye chili (I did not use it while cooking, I just added it before eating)
- 20 cloves small red onion (I reduced to 6)
- 10 cloves of garlic (I reduced to 6)
- 7 candle nuts (I just had 3)
- 3 cm of turmeric (I used 1tsp of ground turmeric)
- salt
- ground white pepper

Side dishes:
- 150g egg noodle, boil and then drain, mix with a little bit of frying oil
- 100g vermicelli, boil and then drain, mix with a little bit of frying oil
- 2 tomato, cut into 12 each
- 2 green onion, chop thinly
- cabbage, chop (I did not use it)
- fried onion
- vermicelli rissole, cut into 1.5cm in thickness
- lime juice
- crushed chili
- sweet soy sauce

In a chopper, chop onion, garlic, and candle nuts until smooth. Then saute it until fragrant. Add bay leaves, lime leaves, lemon grass, and ground turmeric. Stir it until change color. Add the boiled meat and broth. Continue to cook until boiling. Adjust the taste with salt and pepper.
To serve, in a bowl place boiled noodle, vermicelli, cabbage, tomato and cut vermicelli rissole. Pour the soto soup (with the meat) in. Then sprinkle some fried onion, green onion and drizzle some lime juice. Add sweet soy sauce and crushed chili, if you like. Serve it hot.

To make vermicelli rissole

For making skin:
- 150g wheat flour/all purpose flour
- 1 egg
- 350ml milk
- salt
- 1 Tbsp melted margarine

Mix all the above ingredients, if needed blend it in a blender, just like what I did to get an even mixture. Prepare a nonstick-pan by heating it on a stove. Then pour just a little bit of the mixture and distribute it evenly on the surface to get a thin pancake-liked layer. Cook it for sometimes, do not overcook. Do it again and again until all is done and you got enough layer of skin. Put it aside.

For filling:
- 60g vermicelli, boil, drain and add some sweet soy sauce and soy sauce and mix it well
- 3 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 1.5 Tbsp of oyster sauce
- 1 Tbsp of fish sauce
- ground white pepper

In a wok, saute the chopped garlic until fragrant. Add the oyster sauce, fish sauce and pepper. At last add the vermicelli and mix it well. Cook for another 3minutes. Put it aside.

To finish it up, place 1.5 Tbsp of the filling on a skin layer. Roll in like an envelope and glue the margin with egg white. Deep fry it in hot oil under medium heat until golden brown. Flip it over as needed.


  1. Lidia...Good Idea buat menu anak2..aku baru mati ide mu masak apa...but u give me same inspirations...thx u...

  2. iya makanya cabenya nambahinnya belakangan aja, biar anak2 bisa makan..
