Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fried Tempeh with Chili (Sambal Tempe)

My in laws were in town during Easter long-weekend, spending times with us and especially with their granddaughter. They also brought me some packages of tempeh-fermented soybean, which we ordered from their town..well I should say lots of it, it was like 100 packs and we intended to sell it to our friends in Montreal considering that it is kinda hard to find tempeh in Montreal. Moreover the taste of this tempeh is much better and the price is cheaper than what they have here.
Sunday morning, the last day they stayed in our place, was quite hectic for us...I did not have much time to prepare fancy meal for them, so I just made this sambal tempe before they were heading home. Everybody enjoyed the sambal..especially my husband who likes spicy food.

- 2 packages of tempeh, cut into 12 pieces each
- 7 cloves of garlic (3 cloves for marinating and 4 cloves for making sambal)
- 4 cloves of small red onion
- 12 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 1 Tbsp of ground coriander
- 2 tsp of ground lesser galangal (Indonesian-kencur)
- oil for frying
- salt
- sugar
- water

Crush 3 cloves of garlic until smooth and then place it in marinating bowl. Add ground coriander, salt and water and mix it well. Immerse the cut tempeh in the bowl and let it marinated for 20minutes. Take it out, drip off the water and then deep fry it with oil under medium heat until golden brown.
In a stone/wood grinder (Indonesian-cobek), grind onion, garlic, chili, lesser galangal, salt and sugar. Add the fried tempeh and crush it and mix it well with the sambal (crushed chili and other ingredients). Pour a little bit of oil which has been used to fry tempeh and mix it well again. Serve it with warm steam rice, fresh cucumber and sweet peas or with sayur bening bayam.


  1. lid, kowe kii lucu gae laporan barang. btw soal lesser galangal ono info tambahan kikikikik *duhh siap2 dikepruk Lidya*

  2. kyknya lbh enak kl tiap nulis kencur dikasih link ke

    jd yg gak tau lsg bs ngeklik

  3. bs ditulis kencur atau kaempferia galanga. kalo bule gak tau biar mrk tau.

  4. thx Pep...untuk infone yg lengkap kap kap...

  5. sambal tempe-mu bikin ngiler wae mbak...

  6. lid ini kalo di malang, dikepel2 terus digoreng, jenenge mendol...tapi nggawe tempe semangit... wis jan enak tenan, nggarai fly saking enake..

  7. It looks nice.Where can I buy Tempeh in Montreal.

