Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cenil - A Colorful Indonesian Traditional Tapioca Snack


Hello beloved readers, I am glad to be able to say hi to you all again, after this long hiatus. Today I wanna share a colorful Indonesian traditional tapioca snack. As our Masak Bareng Yuuk celebrates its birthday this month, and it brings a theme of "Foods made of Sago and Tapioca". It is called cenil (pronounced as "che neel"). It is normally sold at a traditional market along with other various traditional snacks. The texture is chewy and the taste is mixed of salty (from the salt added to the shredded coconut meat) and sweet (from the granulated sugar added before consumption). Well, let's jump into business, the recipe..I got it from here. And I was using the second version. It was a little tricky at first, eventually I got it done.

Here is the English version of the recipe:

250g tapioca flour
2Tbsp cold water
125ml boiling water
1/2 tsp salt
250g shredded coconut milk
1 pandan leaf
100g granulated sugar
food coloring: red, green, yellow

Steam the shredded coconut meat together with pandan leaf and salt for 15min. Keep it aside. Take 1Tbsp of tapioca flour and then mix it with 2Tbsp of cold water until all dissolved. Pour it into boiling water on the stove, stir instantly and keep stirring it until thicken. Turn off the stove and add the rest of tapioca flour little by little while mixing it until it does not stick. Divided into 4, and add each of the food coloring into each portion. Form a long oval or wormy shapes of the dough. Then boil some water in a pot. Cook them in the boiling water until floating. Take them out and instantly dip them into shredded coconut meat. Sprinkle some granulated sugar before serving.

Happy birthday Masbar!


  1. Cantik cenilnya mba...tadinya aku juga pengen bikin cenil tapi ga berhasil, malah jadinya kayak lem...hehe

  2. cantik cenilnya mba...tadinya aku juga pengen bikin cenil, tapi ga berhsil, malah mirip lem...he tau salahku dimana.

  3. thankyou Lidiaaaaa..
    Keren..duuuh rindunya ma cenil...dulu kalo ikut ibu kepasar selalu beli sama mbok2 pake kebaya n sanggulan....*nostalgia

  4. nyammm cetotttt
    aduh jadi pengen..

  5. @Annadina: oh mungkin kebanyakan airnya ya? aku bikinnya dicampur air dikit dulu, baru deh sisa tepungnya diulenin dikit2..emang agak2 tricky sih..mesti sabar.
    @Elly: sama2 ya mbak..bener ini makanan nostalgia..
    @Fina: di Sing ada ga?

  6. Waaah...anakku pasti minta kalo lihat ini. Kesukaannya cenil....
    Mbaak...aku ada award. semoga berkenan menerimanya...
    Please check


  7. Wow, bisa toh dibuat sendiri....nice share...

  8. oooh.. itu campuran tepung sama airnya dimasak dulu toh.. sampe sekental apa ci baru dicampur ke sisa tepungnya? boleh dicoba nih hahaha

  9. @Ari: iya bisa dibikin sendiri, tp butuh ekstra kesabaran.

  10. Jen: dicampurnya sampai kental seperti lem aja. Nanti ditambah tepungnya sampai bisa dipulung.

  11. Hey just want to drop by and invite you to showcase your blog at culinote ( a beautiful photo gallery that displays great food blogs).

  12. @Joanne: thank you, will check it out.
    @Bayu: hooh, kangen jajan pasar

  13. Halo :) salam kenal.
    Wah, jarang-jarang ada yang nulis resep makanan lokal tradisional menggunakan bahasa Inggris, jadi semangat heuheuheu tapi aku ndak bisa share gambar dan resepnya lewat Pinterest ya mbak? :(

  14. @Mita: salam kenal juga. Memang ga bisa langsung klik u/ share. Nanti coba saya pelajari lagi.
