Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rabbit Theme Bento - My Very First Bento

Bento Day#1

I've promised myself long before that when my kids go to school, I will make them bento-s. So as Bianca started her school 2 weeks ago, I started to prepare bento for her. And since she is only at school for 3hours, I only get to prepare snack box for her.
This was my very first bento. As you can guess, it consists of "rabbit" hard boiled egg with nori eyes, nose and mouth; oyster sauce glazed steamed broccoli, baby carrot and "flower" cheddar cheese. I was using Hello Kitty round snack container and rainbow plastic baran.

Rabbit egg mould

Here is the picture of the egg mould.


  1. Hi,Liidia salam kenal..
    Mold-nya lucu2 ,kalo boleh tau beli dimana?

  2. Dear Anna,
    saya beli online dari Amerika. Kalau mau detailnya, bs saya kirim k email. Apa emailnya?

  3. Thx u Lidia. E-mail
    God bless u.
