Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rice Flour Steamed Cupcake (Kue Mangkok)

I feel like I should post this recipe, since a good friend of mine searched for it and she was not able to find it here. The pictures have been sitting on my file for ages. So..this time I would love to share two steps-recipe. The first one is making fermented cassava which has alcoholic flavor, and next we'll use it as a key ingredient for the cupcakes. Let's start!



- 500g of cassava, peel and cut as preferred
- 2-3 tablet of "tape" culture (this is yeast which specially used for this fermentation), crush until powdery

Steam cassava until cooked, app. 30minutes. Take it out of the steamer and let it cool and dry. Place it in a container (with a lid), then sprinkle the culture powder on it evenly. Do it until all the cassava covered with the white powder of yeast. Put the lid on and store it in a warm room. Wait for 2-3 days and check for the alcoholic smell. The longer we store, the more alcoholic the product is. The taste should be combination of sweet, sour and alcoholic. It can be consumed directly or used as an ingredient for cake or other snack.


Kue mangkok literally means bowl cake. It is called this way since small bowl is used as mould and the shape of the cake is yet bowl-liked. Fermented cassava is used as one of the key ingredients here and it gives sweet, sour and a little alcoholic flavor. Some recipes may use yeast only and do not put the fermented cassava. However, I prefer to put this fermented cassava, as it gives delicious flavor.


Source: NCC
A: 125g fermented cassava
175g granulated sugar or grated palm sugar or combination of the two
mix it well

B: 200g rice flour
200ml cool water
mix it well and keep it aside

C: 150ml water
75g granulated sugar
boil until all sugar dissolved

D: 100g all purpose flour
150ml soda drink
1tsp baking powder
food coloring paste

Cetakan Kue Mangkok

Place the boiled C in a mixing bowl and then add all purpose flour little by little while mixing it with a wooden spoon. In another mixing bowl, mix and knead A and B until it does not stick. Add the mixed all purpose flour and keep mixing it. Add baking powder and mix it well. Pour the soda drink little by little while mixing it. Shift the batter and then divide into 2 and add food coloring to each of the portion. Preheat the mould by placing it inside the steamer. Pour the batter into the mould app. 3/4 of height. Steam for 20minutes.


  1. Lidia,
    Waduh udah nggak salju di tempatmu ya? Bisa bikin tape... Ini pakai singkong frozen atau singkong yg masih ada kulitnya?

    Kue mangkoknya bikin aku ngiler banget ;-)

  2. Halo Tuty,
    Dsini msh snow say..ini bikinnya udah summer th lalu, tp br sempet posting skrg..hehehe..
    Ini pake singkong frozen yg udah dikupas, krn kapok beli singkong yg ada kulitnya, banyak boleng2 ga bagus.
    Yuk dibikin...

  3. Ya ampun Lid.. mulane aku paling jengkel kalo nggawe kue mangkok.. 2x cemberut terus meskipun akunya masak nyambi mesam mesem ngguyu.. Lha wong punyaku nggak tak pakein Tape singkong je :( .. sayangnya lagi, di tempatku ora ono ragi tape hiks..

    Tapi kue mangkok cemberutku rasane tetep enak Lid, bocah2 suka.. buatku sih kurang mantap gitu..

    Mau dunk kue mMangkokmu seng ayu2 iki.. :P ketok kinclong dan nggungah selera ;) ..

  4. oh..bucil takpikir memang resepnya bucil engga pake tape..kan bs jg cuma pake yeast toh? hehehe..ya wis kapan2 silakan dicoba pake tape..mesti luwih maknyussss...

  5. i tasted this cake and love it bcos it's not too sweet.

  6. Hi there,

    May I know where can the "special yeast" be purchased for tape singkong and how does it look like?

  7. The yeast called: ragi tape, you may find it at some Asian stores (if you are lucky). It is round and white (see this picture:
    Or you may buy it from online store:
