Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kue Pukis - One of Many Indonesian Street Vendor Snacks

Masbar event comes again this month with a very interesting theme: Food ala Street Vendor (Panganan Kaki Lima-Indonesian ). There are gazillion street vendor foods in Indonesia. They sell various items of food and open during different time of the day. And since I am living overseas, I have been missing some of those foods. Normally I try to prepare it myself with limited ingredients that I have in my kitchen. And they have been satisfied my feeling of missing home. This time I would like to share one of the street vendor snacks, called Kue Pukis. It is said that Kue Pukis is a modification of wafel (source: wikipedia).

Kue Pukis3

350g all purpose flour
150g corn starch
250g granulated sugar
500ml warm coconut milk
5 eggs
11g instant yeast
3Tbsp melted margarine
a pinch of salt
1sdt vanilla extract
Topping: chocolate sprinkles, raisin, cheese, peanuts

Kue Pukis

Mix the eggs and sugar with a mixer at high speed until white and fluffy. Meanwhile mix the dry ingredients (flour, corn starch and yeast) in another bowl. Then add the coconut milk into the dry ingredients little by little and well mix it. Add the egg mixture into it little by little and continue to mix it. Add melted margarine and vanilla extract and mix it well again. Keep it aside and let it arise until the volume is twice as much as initial. Heat the moulding up on the stove. Pour the batter in it, fill it up until 3/4 of the hole. Put the lid on and cook it under medium heat for 2minutes. Open the lid and top it up with chocolate sprinkles or raisin or cheese or peanuts as preferred. Put the lid back and continue to cook until done (golden brown).
Recipe's source: Ine Elkaje


  1. say, dah lama ga mampir kesini, penampilan baru euy. lebih syegar ;)
    jadi pengen kue pukis. itu cetakan beli disana atau bawa dari kampung halaman?

  2. uenaaak banget iki. Pengen cetakannya :))

  3. @Mindy: thx yah dah mampir sini lagi..iya nih gw jg jarang blogwalking sekarang. Cetakan ini hibahan dr nyokap mertoku, kayaknya beliau bawa dr indo deh.
    @mb Retno: hehehe..saya jg dpt hibahan kok eh..di belanda kayaknya ada kan dijual kalo pas ada acara khusus. Saya pernah liat di foto2nya Rurie.

  4. aku baru posting pukis nich Lid...jadi pengen bikin lagi :)
