Friday, May 8, 2009

Young Coconut and Rambutan Drink (Es Kelamud Rambutan)

Es Klamud Rambutan

I can not believe, this place could get warmer now, and it feels like summer already. So couple days ago, I just prepared this drink for evening "snack"...yes, it sounds a bit weird when I said it's snack, but it's true...we had it as our snack, not just a drink...a refreshing snack. And Bianca loves it...yes she loves any drink and snack...and yes it is a snack and drink as well, so she loves it...

- 1 can of rambutan with pineapple filling
- 1 package of frozen shredded young coconut (available at asian store), thawed
- ice cubes
- water
- cocopandan syrup

Es Klamud Rambutan2

In a punch bowl, mix well all of the ingredients except the syrup and ice cubes. You may use the sugar solution from the canned rambutan too. Then add some cocopandan syrup to taste. At last add some ice cubes or you may keep it in fridge for an hour before serving.


  1. kelir jambone bener2 lovely lid...aku ki kesusahan mecah klopo...ono video demone ora (entuk request?)

  2. lha ngopo mecah klopo? wong ning kene onone sing wis diketoki dowo2..frozen ngono...

  3. ihiks, disini mah dingin lagi Lid, bonus hujan pulak :(

  4. @Sefa: wah...duh kesian...dsini smua org dah bbq-an..pdhal blom gitu panas sih..skitar 16-20C doang..sore kmrn kita jg dapat ujan sih, but not long n not much..

  5. aduh rambutan....pingin Lid...ndek kene mahal bgt jeh..hiks

  6. @Rosy: ini beli yg kalengan, lumayan murah Ros..dsana ga ada yg kalengan?

    @Yeni: yoiiiiii...
