Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Soto Mie (Soto Soup with Egg Noodle)

Soto Mie

When I missed my beloved country, Indonesia so much...and all of the convenience things you can get there...yes I am talking about the place where you can easily buy any yummy food as cheap as or even cheaper than if you have to cook them at home...where there are many hawkers and food stalls open almost all day long...(I am literally crying now....)
Since I could not just fly right home, I just prepared something that makes me feel at home..
Find the recipe here and enjoy the pictures.

Soto Mie2


  1. mau donkkk. Saya cuma bbrp kali makan soto mie pas tinggal di Jkt...

  2. kriuk kriuk (mbrakoti spring rolls)...sss sss sss (pedes sambel).....slurrrrrrpppp (nyruput kuah)....krompyang...(mecahke mangkok - hiyyyy sorriiiii)

  3. @Pepi: ayo digawe...sregep2...

    @Roosy: oh ya? dulu aku penggemar soto mie buat sarapan..hehehe...

    @Rita: hahahaha..gpp...mangkoke plastik wae nek kanggo dirimu Rit...
