Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fermented Glutinous Rice Pudding (Puding Tape Ketan Ijo)

Puding tape ketan ijo

I have posted this writing on my Multiply last month for an event called Monthly Foodie Multipliers. As the theme was green, every body got to submit their entry anything in green. It was my first time making fermented glutinous rice in my kitchen (well, I used to help students making it in a microbiology lab). The taste was super fresh, sweet and alcoholic. Mostly it was consumed as it is and a little portion was used to make this three layer pudding.

To make fermented glutinous rice:
- 500g glutinous rice
- 1/2 of the culture pill, crush until powdery
- 2 drops of pandan essence
- 5Tbsp of sugar
- 200ml boiling water
- water

To make the pudding:
- 3 packages of clear/no color agar powder
- 1L cool water
- 500mL of fresh milk
- 24Tbsp of sugar
- 4drops of durian essence
- 2drops of green food grade coloring

Puding tape ketan ijo4


Making Fermented Glutinous Rice:
Wash the glutinous rice and add pandan essence. Mix it well and soak it with water overnightly. Drain the soaking water and steam the rice. During the steaming when the rice is hot enough, add some boiling water into it. Continue to steam until done (app. 30minutes). Cool it down and then add the culture powder and sugar and mix it well. Keep it in a tight-sealed container for 2-3days until an alcoholic aroma produced. Do not forget to check it every day and stop the fermentation immediately when the aroma produced by placing it into refrigerator. Keep it in fridge for longer use.

Making Pudding:
In a pot, pour 500mL water and 1 package of agar powder and stir it well until the agar distribute evenly. Place the pot on a stove and cook until boiling, do not forget to stir it while cooking. Once it is boiling, add 8Tbsp sugar, green coloring and durian essence and stir it well until all sugar dissolved. Remove from stove and pour it into a mold. Keep it in a fridge for 20minutes just enough time to let it just harden.
While waiting, prepare the second layer by well mixing 500mL water with 1 package of agar powder. Bring it to boil and then add 8Tbsp of sugar and half of the fermented glutinous rice, stir it well until all sugar dissolved. Remove it from the stove and wait for 2minutes (do not give time for agar to harden). Take out the harden first layer from the fridge and carefully pour the second layer agar on top of it. Put it back to the fridge and keep it for another 20minutes.
Prepare the third layer by well mixing 500mL fresh milk with a package of agar powder. Bring it to boil and then add 8Tbsp of sugar, stir it well until all sugar dissolved. Remove it from the stove and wait for 2minutes (do not give time for agar to harden). Take out the harden first and second layer from the fridge and carefully pour the third layer agar on top of it. Put it back to the fridge and keep it until all harden. Serve it cold.


  1. mbak, bikin tape nya gimana? kalo mau beli ragi tape tuh namanya apa ya.. duuuh pudingnya ngepengenin banget :)

  2. Jen..cara bikin tapenya kan ada tuh di situ..
    Trus ragi biasanya disebut: culture sih...kalo disini ada dijual di china town gitu, kalau di Melb aku ga tau deh..coba nyari di toko Indo..kalo di Sydney aku tau bbrp toko Indo, kalo di Melb ga tau deh..

  3. Eh, kok harus pake gula? Bukannya tape ketan ato tape singkong bakal manis sendiri tanpa harus dikasih gula? Coba aja pikir, kalo tape singkong dikasih gula, apa gulanya bisa nyerep sampe ke dalem bagian singkongnya, kan nggak? Fermentasinya itu yg bikin tape jadi manis.

  4. Makasih comment-nya ya anonymous..
    Sebenarnya di dalam ragi itu ada byk cultures/mahkluk hidup yang bs mengubah komposisi kimia dari bahan dasarnya (singkong atau ketan). Singkong dan ketan sendiri sudah mengandung gula dan karbohidrat rantai panjang lainnya. Penambahan gula dsini hanya sebagai inisiasi agar fermentasi alkoholiknya berjalan lebih cepat. Karena runutan perubahan2 kimianya adalah: karbohidrat rantai panjang diubah menjadi gula oleh kapang, lalu gula diubah menjadi alkohol oleh khamir. Jika dilanjutkan lagi, alkohol bs diubah menjadi asam oleh bakteri. Sehingga kadang ada jg dijumpai rasa sedikit asam pd tape kalau fermentasinya terlalu lama. Jadi penambahan gula itu semacam shortcut gitu deh, supaya alkoholnya bs terbentuk lbh cepat. Jadi logikanya bukan dengan menambah gula ke tape singkong, tp gula ditambahkan k ketannya. Saya sendiri kalau membuat tape singkong tdk saya beri tambahan gula kok pd singkongnya. Bisa dilihat di postingan kue mangkok.
    Ini krn tape ketan dan kebetulan sy tinggal di daerah bermusim dingin, jd penambahan gula sangat membantu untuk inisiasi, bukan untuk menambah rasa manis.

  5. Ci, kalo di Indo beli culture/raginya itu dimana ya ? Di toko2 bahan kue ada ga ya ? Aku kepengen nyoba bikin tape nih jadinya. :)

  6. Di Indo biasa kan ada toko palawija, yg jual beras, kacang2an itu loh..coba nanya dsitu. Kalau d Jkt aku kurang tau dmn de, coba nti aku tanyain k teman2ku ya..kalo d Solo sih di toko2 palawija gitu.
