Thursday, April 2, 2009

Raisin Cake - My Baking Adventure - Failure Series!

raisin cake

This happened when you were not patient enough to mix well the melted butter into the batter. I was so careless and just gave one-two strokes when mixing it. It was right after new year, and resolution did not give it any better! You can see the result, some butter "float" in the bottom of the cake mould (see the different color around the raisins, yup that is butter).
Second failure: some pores are not supposed to be there "ugly" holes....your place is on ehmmm... Sponge Bob!
But still, the taste is yummy and still be my fave.
You can find the recipe here.

And today is Daddy's big day...Happy birthday Daddy! You absolutely are loved!

raisin cake2

PS: more failures coming up!


  1. walah ayu gini tuh masih failure tho lid? nek aku bikin kayak gini mungkin dah tak kira sukses besar hehehe

  2. Lidyaaa... mau dunk Raisin Cake :D

    Dua minggu lalu aku juga nggawe Cake, tak poto model gitu..tapi aku mualleess update.. mbuh kiy sibuk wae :(

    Salam buat Bianca dan Jordan ya, kangen he hee

  3. @Rita: bantet Rit itu skitar raisine..halah dirimu slalu merendah sih..wong bakingmu lebih jago drpd aku..

    @Judith: ayo bucil yg sregep..ben iso apdet terus..piye kabare ponakan2ku? kiss2 ya...

  4. Bagus gitu kok Lid..mosok termasuk failure....hmmm wangine nyampe Osaka loh hehhe

  5. eh ono sing lali...meski telat :-(.
    Hepi besdey buat Misuanya yah..smoga sukse dan sehat slalu...
