Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Japanese Cheese Cake - My Heaven on Earth Dessert


I was literally drooling over the pictures I saw on Titi's page. And when I asked, she kindly sent the recipe to my mailbox, it was very nice of her. So one of those quiet evening, when my two kids were asleep and while waiting for my husband to get back from work, I made this yummy cake. It is definitely heaven on earth! Unfortunately I can not share the recipe publicly due to Ti's privacy. I hope you still can enjoy the pictures!

Note: drop her a line, you may be lucky enough to get the recipe sent to you...



  1. ih... kok ketok lembut banget yooooooooo
    pengen... tapi aku gak gelem anggure :D
    *anggur dimakan terpisah wae*

    (heks,emange sopo sing meh ngekei aku yo? hihihi)

  2. nunggu punya oven gede baru bikin JCC, pake water bath sih :)

    lumer dimulut nih JCC-nya Lid

  3. @Deetha: ayo gawe..inuk loh..

    @Sefa: betul Fa dan mesti sabar nunggu lama hasilnya dong...yummmm...

  4. keliatan lembut banget ya say. belum kesampean nih pengen bikin JCC sampe sekarang.

  5. iya jeng..ayuk bikin...a piece is not enough..

  6. tinggal ngecess Lid...hikkksss....

  7. wong ayu nguno Lid...
    waterbath method is really perfect for CC

  8. salam kenal ya..sekedar info aja, JCC adalah resep terkenal dari klub masak NCC, untuk resep JCC dan cheesecake yang lain, bisa dibuka di : punya blog namanya mbak riana, salah satu pengurus NCC juga, beliau jago masak dan fotografi..

  9. You make me drooling too mbak Lid. Teksturnya soft banget ya mbak?! Drooling...drooling...

  10. Aku belum pernah maem iki Lid... enak yo? pancen ketok lembut gitu :) nyam nyam.. lha resepe endhi kiy? nek ono wektu pingin nyoba nggawe ah, golek resep seng boso Indo ha haa :D

    Miss U Lidya, salam..

  11. wah muantep tenan iki lid...aku kesed nggawene, njaluk wae yo, minus anggur huahahahaha terlalu sehat kuwi bagi aku kekeke

  12. @Elsye: banjir ki blogku...hihihi..

    @Pepy: ngantuk ya bu guru...wkkkkk

    @anik: salam kenal jg n makasih infonya. JCC saya ini engga pake resepnya NCC, resep JCC kan byk mcmnya tuh..dan saya tidak bs share resepnya sesuai permohonan Titi. Lain kali sy akan coba resepnya NCC. thx again!

    @Shinta: tambah banjir ki...

    @Judith: ada resep bs indo dr yasaboga...cobain deh...


  13. Lidia,

    Baking pan yg dipakai bukan yang bongkar pasang 'kan?

  14. @Tuty: engga, aku pake loaf pan aluminium yg disposable itu loh...
