Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Raisin Sponge Cake - A Friendship Recipe

Raisin Sponge Cake

I am thankful to have many great friends from blogging world. And with some of them I am even able to chat almost every day. And from what we are talking about, I have learnt a lot about many things. The other day, while chatting with Deetha and Rurie, I was dragged of the way they described this particular cake. They convinced me that this cake recipe is the best among its class. Thus, I tried it at my little kitchen and yes they are absolutely right. It is the best sponge cake I've ever made. It is super moist and soft. Now, I am happily presenting this sponge cake recipe and dedicating it for our friendships!

Yongki Gunawan's Sponge Cake (modified by me)

- 10 egg yolk
- 5 egg white
- 10g emulsifier (I used 1tsp of ovalette)
- 150g sugar (I used 120g)
- 100g cake flour shifted (I used all purposed flour)
- 1Tbsp powdered milk (I used baby powdered milk)
- 1Tbsp cornstarch
- 150g butter
- 1Tbsp condensed milk (I used sweetened condensed milk)

I added:
- 1tsp of vanilla extract
- 2tsp of rhum
- raisin

Raisin Sponge Cake2

Preheat oven to 180C, grease and flour a round or square cake tin. Melt butter in a saucepan. Whisk eggs and sugar until just thick and then add emulsifier and continue whisking until it is thick, white and fluffy. Add flour, cornstarch, powdered milk, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract and rhum and mix it well. Add melted butter and mix well again. Pour in the cake tin and sprinkle some raisin and bake for 25-30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.


  1. huhuhu gelemmmm aku LId, tapi kadang suka males gawe cake2an..hikss...keliatan endang Lid potone juga tajem

  2. 10 endhog? wowwwwwwwwwww aku jg males lid (toss mbek elsye). dirimu kan ngerti banget aku rajane kesed hahah

  3. @Elsye: thx iya ayo jgn males, bikin yuk...endang loh..

    @RitaHK: itu krn 1resep Rit, si Rurie n Deetha bikin 1/2resep, cobaen separo sek..

    @Rita: loh..kan sumbernya katanya dirimu?
