Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tom Yum Goong (Thai Prawn Soup with Lemongrass)

Since having a new site, the event of Indonesian foodie blogger masak bareng yuuk has been having pooling for the monthly theme. And to open the year of 2009 the pooling result is tom yum goong, Thai prawn soup with lemongrass. This soup is one of the main signature dishes of Thai and it has well-blended hot and sour flavor. To make it from scratch really freaks me I just made it using instant seasoning available at Asian stores and added some fresh seasoning.

Tom Yum Goong2

- 400g of medium sized prawn, peel of the shell but leave the tails
- 10 fish balls, cut into 4 each
- 200g of mushroom, cut in half
- 3Tbsp of Tom Yum Goong instant seasoning
- 1stalk of lemongrass, cut into 5cm in length
- 4cm of galangal, cut into 4
- 5 kafir lime leaves
- 4Tbsp of fish sauce
- salt
- sugar
- water
- bunch of cilantro or coriander leaves

Tom Yum Goong

Boil water in a pot (app. 1.5L), then add instant seasoning, lemongrass, galangal and lime leaves, stir it well. Add fish sauce and adjust the taste with salt and sugar. Add mushroom and continue to cook for 2minutes. Add prawn and cook for another 2minutes. Do not overcook.
To serve, place the soup in a bowl and then garnish it with cilantro.


  1. liidd, ini pasti segerrrr..aku liat udang nya aja udah ngelap mulut..hihihihi

  2. syeger.... aku datang make Ucok :)

  3. aku datang... ngicipi tom yum kutub utara...haha

  4. mba, icip tom yumnya yah....suegerr

  5. syeger banget kii apa daya masih absent ke dapur huhuhu

  6. wahhhh sruputtttttttttt...aku sedih buanget keliwatan ora meluuuu

  7. @Pepy: kuwi tulisan ning bungkuse prawn je memang cilik ukurane..

    @Elsye: ya El..seger pas dingin2 gini

    @Ayin: hooh...asek didatengin maknya Noni..

    @Deetha: tom yum kutub utara ono beruang kutube ga ding, wis dadi miliknya Pepy...hihihik...

    @Maneki: silakan..thx udah mampir

    @Lia: gpp Li..byk istirahat ya..biar si kecil sehat2 terus..

    @Rita: yo suk2 iso melu kok Rit...aku malah iri masakan padang n seafoodmu...

  8. Hai CC Lidia, kalo boleh tau kameramu pake merk dan type apa kok hasil fotonya bagus2... Wah sering masak-masak nih. Kirim donk ke Surabaya...

  9. C, add YM-ku dong. Habis bingung mo hubungi CC ke mana. Taunya cuma lewat blog, itupun ga nemu alamat contact-mu. Masa kalo chat lewat comments, ga seru lho :(

  10. It's a yummy blog. Salam kenal mbak.

  11. Mau incip dulu ahhhh mbak Lid.... ini paling demen banget loooh....
