Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ayam Kecap Jahe (Ginger-Sweet Soy Sauce Seasoned Chicken)


I have stocked up some foods in fridge due to bad weather since last week. My husband loves chicken and beef, thus those are mainly what we have at home. This time I wanted to have something warming to balance the cold weather which we have been having, but not spicy/hot since my stomach has been so sensitive toward chili. So I put more ginger to the chicken and it worked wonderfully.

- 10 chicken drumsticks, deep fry until brownish and crunchy
- 1 clove of onion, chop thinly
- 6 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 2x4cm of ginger, crack it with pestle
- 2Tbsp of fish sauce
- 4Tbsp of Indonesian sweet soy sauce or more
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- water
- oil


In a pan, saute chop onion and garlic until dry. Add ginger and continue to saute for 1minute. Add fish sauce, water (app. 150ml), pepper and soy sauce and stir it well. Put in fried chicken drumsticks. Stir it evenly and let the seasoning immerse for 5minutes.
Serve it warm with steamed rice.


  1. wahhhh segerrr dikasih jahe gitu lid..mauuu

  2. wowww talk about kempol seksi! ehehehe

    aku seneng cipratan saos'e...very top chef eiei!

  3. Hi Lid...maaf Lid..aku udah lama gak mampir ketempat kamu...sorryyyyyyyy bgt...and thx juga atas ucapan ultahnya buat vaness...
    buat kamu dan kluarga aku ucapan selamat merayakan hari natal juga...Tuhan memberkati kalian...miss u

  4. huhuhu... aku lagi gak punya kecap :(

    btw, itu cobek aku dpt dari Nana :D

  5. Hi, I came blog hop over from Ummi of Home Sweet Home. Just love all the recipes here. Need some time now to go through all of it :)

  6. @Elsye: brasa anget kl lg winter gini

    @Rita: onok2 wae...biasa aja gitu loh..

    @Pepy: boleh2..

    @Lia: thx's okay maklum akhir th gini memang sibuk ya..

    @Sefa: kl d rmhku slalu ada kecap krn suamiku kl mkn slalu pake kecap..(merusak rasa masakan ya?)

    @Icook4fun: thx for visiting..

  7. These look sticky and delicious! A great appetizer or lunch :).
