Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Blog Anniversary and 200'th Post

I started blogging a year ago and I have been loving it. A year is considered new yet enough time to get to know other bloggers and learn a lot from them. There were times when I did not have enough time and energy to update my blog and blogger friends came to encourage in so many ways. There was once when I felt so small and not seen by particular person, but it was exactly a time for growing better, I was motivated to become better in photography.
My husband in this case definitely is my inspiration and best companion. Thank is never enough to say.
I want to take this opportunity to thank that particular person, who made me feel so small but motivated me to learn a lot of photography, to all of my dear blogger friends who have been such great friends even though most of you never know me in person, to all of my beloved readers thank you for always faithful in visiting my blog...This blog is for you!

nasi kuning

On October 29 '2007 I posted my first writing on this food blog, so to commemorate that special day, I cooked complete yellow rice. Here is some of the pictures. Enjoy!

nasi kuning3

The menu consists of:
- Yellow rice (I'll post the recipe later)
- Grilled chicken (I'll post the recipe later)
- Sweet marinated tempeh and tofu (see the recipe here)
- Thin omelet
- Shredded beef meat (Indonesian-abon sapi)
- Spicy harricot beans, tempeh and shrimp (see the recipe here)
- Fried salted fish
- Freshly cut cucumber and tomato
- Fresh baby spinach

nasi kuning2


  1. Selamat atas aniv. blog kamu...smoga terus berkarya...dan tetap ngebul terus dapurnya...

  2. Selamat ya Lid buat Aniv ... blogmu iki. Podo ora yo karo Happy Birthday? ...*LoL

    Tambah semangat ya Lid, mudah2an sukses selalu dalam berkarya cipta :)

  3. Happy anniversary buat blog-nya mbak Lid.. Smoga tambah semangat berbagi resep dan rahasia dapur ya.. :)

  4. happy belated first anniv buat blog-nya ya Lid.. semoga tetep eksis dapurnya.

    duh itu tahu bacem, yummm
