Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rempeyek Kacang (Traditional Javanese Peanut Crackers)


I made these two weeks ago for the sake of snack lovers...(not for eating with meals)...It went fast...even my 17mo daughter loves it...

- 200gr of roasted peanuts, split into half each
- 100gr of rice flour
- 50gr of tapioka flour
- 1/2 can of coconut milk
- 1 egg
- 4 cloves of garlic, crush until smooth
- 1Tbsp of ground coriander
- 1tsp of turmeric powder
- 2tsp of ground kencur
- 5 lime leaves, slice thinly
- water as needed
- salt
- sugar
- oil for frying


In a big mixing bowl, mix all of the ingredients and stir it well. Adjust the taste with salt and sugar. Mix well again. Preheat the frying oil and then fry the mixture under medium high heat. Try to pour the mixture at the side of the pan, so that it will form a thin layer. If you find that it is too hard to form a thin layer, you may need to add some more water to the mixture until you get a perfect consistency. Fry until golden brown and transfer it on a plate which has been layered with paper towel. Wait until it is cool enough to keep in a jar or other airtight container.


  1. Lidya, mripatku mentheleng ndhelok rempeyekmu cedak buanget ii` ... fotone cetho gitu, hii .. koyok tenanan didepan mata. Pingin Lid, gorengan ...

  2. dadi pgn gæ peyek maning :D peyek is de best

  3. @Judith: saiki wis takciliki fotone bucil..sesuai saran jeng Norwe juga..hehehe..dadine ben ora mbolok mripate...

    @Ayin: iyo ki..enak yo dimaem klethas klethus...diluk wae wis amblas...

  4. Wah suwe aku ndak bikin peyek... bikin aaahhh.
    Lid...kok rajin banget sih, iki dalam rangka ngidam tha? hehehe.

  5. Lid, aku bikinn ahhh ngilerrr booww

  6. wah wah..demen rempeyek yang ada lime leavesnya deh! it gives another depth to it, daripada yang pake kacang doang!

  7. @Rosy: ga tau nih Ros, hamil kedua ini kok dadi rajin bgt..ga ngidam jg pdhal..

    @Elsye: kalo ngiler bikin wae El..gampang kok..

    @Cecil: tul Cil..lebih sedep pake daun jeruk..
