Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kroket Isi Ragout (Ragout Filled Croquette)


When I attended the heritage festival here in Edmonton in the beginning of August, I had a chance to taste the real croquette at the Netherlands stall. It was so good... So my husband and his friend asked me to make it. And I did make it two weeks ago before my potato gone bad.

- oil for frying
- bread crumbs/panko
- 3 egg white, whisk briefly

To make potato skin:
- 7 potato, peel off the skin, wash and cut into small chunks, deep fry it with hot oil until cooked
- 5Tbsp of cheese spread
- 2Tbsp of fresh milk (you may skip)
- 1 egg

To make ragout:
- 200gr of ground beef/boiled chicken thigh and cut into pieces
- 2 carrot, peel of the skin and cut into small cubes
- 2 potato, peel of the skin and cut into small cubes
- 4 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 1 cloves of shallot, chop thinly
- 2 green onion, chop thinly
- 250ml of fresh milk
- 2Tbsp of all purpose flour/wheat flour, dissolve it in water
- 1tsp of ground white pepper
- salt
- sugar
- oil for saute


Prepare ragout by sauteing garlic and onion until fragrant. Then add ground beef/chicken pieces and stir and cook until change color. Add cut carrot, potato and cook until done. Add milk, pepper, salt and sugar, stir and continue to cook until boiling. Add green onion and then the wheat flour mixture and stir it instantly until thicken. Keep it aside.
To make the potato skin, mash the fried potato while it is still hot until smooth. Add the cheese spread and milk and mix it well. Let it cool down to room temperature and then add the egg. Mix it well.
To make the croquette: take a scoop of the skin and roll it on hand to form a ball and then flatten it on the palm of hand. Fill it with a spoon of ragout and then roll back the potato skin to cover the filling. Dip it in bread crumbs and then in egg white and again in bread crumbs. Deep fry it with hot oil under medium high heat until golden brown and crispy at the outside.
Serve it warm with hot sauce or mayo.

Note: the recipe is good to make 15pieces of medium sized croquette.


  1. Enak tenan iki Lid, dulu aku sering dapet pesenan kroket isi ragout gini. Sejak lahirin Andy dah mulai ngurangi orderan. Sibuk hiks ...

  2. iya bucil...aku seneng kudapan yg gurih2..nek manis ga patio seneng..
    ini mumpung msh satu buntutku..bentar lagi muncul ucok yo ga janji deh bs nguplek di dapur lama2..

  3. aku suka bangettt iki, tapi pas bikin suka malesss...huuuaaa...

  4. hehehe..iya biasanya gitu El..ini jg aku msh punya ragout isinya, tp males bikin kulitnya..
