Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Batakese Seasoned Tilapia (Arsik Ikan) - Apology


Last Thursday I cooked this Batakese meal for my husband to bring for lunch at work. Normally people added long beans, but since I did not find any long beans at Asian store, I just added haricot beans instead. You can find the recipe here, I have posted it before.
These days I can not sit in front of the computer for a longer period of time, since my due date is approaching. Therefore I apologize for any inconvenience I've created by posting short writing. I am still trying to update my blog as time and my condition permit. Thank you!



  1. Makasih Lidia udah mampir2 ke blog ku! :) First thing first, congratulation for your pregnancy!! Mhhhmm..arsik ikannya enak banget *glek* - dimakan dgn nasi hangat2, lalapan, sambal belacan. Waduhhh..

  2. Thx Cil..
    iya ini masakan kesukaan suamiku..

  3. mmmmmmmm....mau mau mau....
    Duh rajin..udah deket due date sik sibuk di dapur ae. Jaga kesehatan yo Lid.

  4. Thx Ros..iya slama msh kuat tetep nggluthek di ini agak berasa lemes kakiku..jd cuma bikin sambel grg udang+tahu+tempe aja buat sangu bojoku kerja

  5. bu lid, minta resep saksang dong hehehe....thanks bu

