Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sweet Marinated Tempeh/Tofu (Tempeh/Tahu Bacem)

This was my last batch of tempeh which was kept in freezer. I should finish it up before we are moving away in 2 weeks from now. Bacem is the word for marinating with sweet and tasty seasoning. This food is high in fibre and protein and it might go with rice or good as a finger food.

- 1 package of tempeh, cut into 12 pieces of triangle shapes
- 5 blocks of tofu, cut into 10 pieces of triangle shapes
- 8 cloves of garlic
- 6 cloves of small red onion
- 1 Tbsp of ground coriander
- 1 tsp of ground cumin
- 250g palm sugar, grate
- 1 tsp of tamarind, mix it with water and use the juice
- 4 Tbsp of sweet soy sauce
- 6 candle nuts
- 4 Indonesian bay leaves
- 3 Tbsp of brown sugar
- water
- salt
- oil for frying

In a blender, crush onion, garlic, and candle nuts until smooth. Bring a large pan of water into boil (make sure that the water volume is good enough to cover all tempeh and tofu). Add the spice puree and the rest of ingredients, except oil (including tempe and tofu). Reduce heat and simmer, stir occasionally, until half of water is removed. Take out the tempeh and tofu, drain off the water and then deep fry it with hot oil under medium heat for 2-3minutes.


  1. Lidia....tempe bacemmu n tahunya coklat bgt..liget pasti rasanya ya...hmmm enak enak...kapan-kapan boleh ikut bikin juga ya Lid???pengen aku...udah lama gak mkn tempet n tahu bacem..tapi gak ada tahu sekarang, adanya cuma tempe aja....yum yum

  2. kangen makan tahu ama tempe :( disini ga ada yg jual euy

  3. Lia, aku masak bacemnya sehari sebelumnya..trus semalaman kudiemin di panci yg masih ada kuah2 marinatenya..besok paginya baru aku angkat dan goreng...makanya bumbunya mrasuk banget...

    Mindy, andai tetanggaan aku kirimin dirimu..Kalo summer aku sering bikin tempe sendiri, kalo tahu sih ga pernah bikin krn dimana2 ada dijual dsini..

  4. duhhh itu tempe tahu bikin ngilerr lid...hikss..disini adanya tempe frozen..:(((

  5. Elsye..itu aku jg pake tempe frozen kok..dithawing dulu, trus marinatenya dilamain..hasilnya ga beda dg tempe seger..

  6. Lidia salam kenal ya...tahu sama tempe bacemnya bikin ngiler deh...yum yumm

  7. Makasih Evi..salam kenal juga..
    udah kuintip dapurnya..pinter baking+decorating ya? Ajarin dong...

  8. Hi There!

    I really love the photos you used for this blog. I would like to ask your permission to use the tempeh one for an upcoming book, which we would give credit to your photographer.

    If you would allow that, please write back and let me know how I can contact you via email.


  9. @Jessica: pls contact me at lidia(dot)ratnawati(at)gmail(dot)com for further discussion about your request. Thank you
