Sunday, March 9, 2008

Stir Fried Squid with TomYum Paste (Cumi Bumbu TomYum)

Like I mentioned before, I served this meal for Saturday dinner. Initially I did not have any idea of what to prepare. I remembered I had some squid in the freezer. First thought was to make salt and pepper calamari. However, I run out of frying know, to make salt and pepper calamari you need big quantity of oil for deep frying. So, I created this recipe..and my loyal taster -husband said that it was yummy.
And yes, not forget to mention that I found frozen bilimbi in Montreal...yippie..!!

- 1kg squid, clean out and cut into small rings
- 3 cloves of small red onion, chop thinly
- 3 cloves of garlic, chop thinly
- 12 dried chili paddy
- 3cm ginger, crack it with pestle
- 4 lime leaves
- 2 bilimbi (Indonesian-belimbing wuluh), cut into 5 each
- 3 Tbsp TomYum paste
- a bunch of lemon basil leaves
- salt
- sugar
- oil for saute
- 200ml water

In a wok, saute onion, garlic, ginger and galangal for 2minutes. Add the squid and stir for 5minutes. Add chili, lime leaves and TomYum paste and stir it well. Add water and continue to cook until boiling. Adjust the taste with salt and sugar. Continue to cook until the squid tender. At last add basil leaves and bilimbi.

1 comment:

  1. waah tom yum ... ini makanan favoritku ... sluurrrpp .. hhmmmm .. yummie ...
