Saturday, March 1, 2008

Javanese Spicy Vegetable Salad (Urap Sayur Pedas)

Again, mind the English title...I realized how hard it is to translate typical Indonesian food names into English. This salad is good to eat with yellow rice or savory one.

- a bunch of water morning-glory (Indonesian-kangkung), wash and cut into 4cm in length
- a bunch of long beans, wash and cut into 4cm in length
- 150 gr of bean sprout
- 100 gr of grated coconut (available frozen in Asian store)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 5 cloves of small red onion
- 10 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 1 tsp of shrimp paste
- 1 tsp of ground lesser galangal or sand ginger (Indonesian-kencur)
- 3 lime leaves, discard the hard part
- 1/2 block of palm sugar, grated with knife
- salt
- water

Boil some water in a pot and cook the water morning glory, long beans and bean sprout separately. Do not overcooked. Put it aside. Put frozen grated coconut in a microwavable bowl, add a little bit of water and microwave it for 1 or 2 minutes. Put it aside.
In a chopper, chop garlic, onion, chili, lime leaves, shrimp paste and palm sugar until smooth.
Mix it well with grated coconut and add some salt and ground lesser galangal.
To serve, mix the cooked vegetables with seasoned grated coconut.


  1. kikikik emang translate nama suka jd panjang :)))

  2. iya je Pep..enakan basa jawa..hehehe..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi...

    Bolehkah saya menggunakan image Sayur Urap yang Mba' Lidia miliki di blog saya ?

    Saya akan menyediakan link sumber image tersebut, dan jika image tersebut diklik akan masuk ke blog Mba' Lidia.... Boleh ya please :)

    Original Indonesian Recipe

  5. Juandy, boleh2 saja, boleh tau link blogmu? soalnya saya ga bs buka link yg tertera dsini dan ga bs akses blogger profile-mu.

  6. Ini link ke posting sayur urap di blog aku:
