Saturday, February 23, 2008

Padang Beef Satay (Sate Padang)

All of a sudden I craved for Padang satay and my husband asked me to make it from cow's tongue. However, I had a "yuck' feeling raised up from my stomach to my throat when I thought of tongue as the main ingredients. So I bought tongues only for my husband and for me I bought beef meat. At the end, I tasted the tongue and it is more delicious and tender than the meat. So the tongue gone faster than the meat....

- 3 cow's tongue, cut into small square pieces
- 500 gr beef meat, cut into small square pieces
- 1 package of Munik Padang Satay Seasoning (Bumbu Sate Padang cap Munik)
- 1 lemongrass
- 2cm of ginger
- 2cm of galangal
- 4 lime leaves
- 10 chili paddy or bird's eye chili
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 5 cloves of small red onion
- 1 Tbsp of ground coriander
- 1 tsp of ground cumin
- 1 tsp of ground turmeric
- 1 tsp of ground white pepper
- 1 tsp of sugar
- salt
- water
- fried onion
- rice dumpling

In a blender, blend all the ingredients except tongue, meat, lime leaves, Munik seasoning, fried onion and rice dumpling, until smooth. Put it in a pot and add some water, Munik seasoning and lime leaves to boil the meat and tongue. Cook until the meat and tongue tender. Take out the meat and tongue and use the boiling water and seasoning for making sauce. Place the meat and tongue on skewer four to five pieces for each skewer. Grill it until it is brownish (do not over grilled since it will make the meat hard).
To make sauce, mix the rice flour which came in the package of Munik seasoning with 50ml of cold water. Then pour it little by little on the boiling water and seasoning that previously used for cooking meat and tongue. Cook under medium heat until boiling. Stir it while adding the rice flour solution. Continue to cook and stir until thick consistency formed.
Serve satay with rice dumpling (Indonesian-ketupat) and pour the sauce on top of the satay. Sprinkle some fried onion on top of it.


  1. Hai, salam kenal ya melalui resep sate padangnya (saya google).
    Enak nggak sih ya, hasilnya? Saya lagi pengen buat sate padang untuk besok (tahun baru). Tapi mau yang gampangan buatnya (seperti pakai bumbu munik), he he he.
    Hebat lho blognya. Photo-photonya bagus/tajam. Saya juga suka nulis tapi agak malas. Boleh lihat di Horas! Dari Sony Simanjuntak di Melbourne.

  2. sepertinya enak nich sate padang,,,da referensi tempat sate padang paling enak g d kawasan depok?

  3. @Sony: thanks ya..sorry baru balas komennya..
    @vsint: waduh sy kurang tau..sudah ga di indonesia sejak th 2006
    @Alfa: thx
