Monday, January 21, 2008

Spinach and Tofu Rice Porridge

Spinach is a rich source of iron. Moreover it contains calcium, vitamin A, C, E, K, magnesium and antioxidant. Tofu is rich of protein. Combination of the two of them, makes this porridge very healthy.

- 3 Tbsp Jasmine rice, rinse it
- 1/2 block of medium firm tofu, chop into very small pieces
- 60gr of chicken meat
- 6 spinach leaves, chop into very small pieces
- a little bit of salt
- water

In a small pot, boil chicken meat with water until tender. Take out the meat and chop into very small pieces. You may use chopper to make fine coarse (for the meat and spinach too). Use the broth to cook rice. Cook for app. 25min, stir it occasionally and add some water as needed until the rice becomes porridge. Add chopped spinach and tofu and continue to cook for 5min. Add a little bit of salt to taste. Stir it evenly. Place it in small containers and feed it to your baby or keep it in fridge or freezer for longterm use.

Note: before feeding it to baby, make sure that it is not too hot which may burn the tongue.


  1. Ci Lid kalau baby food di freezer apakah kandungan vitaminnya masih sama setelah di panaskan? hehe nanya nih soalnya aku bikin biasanya taruh di rice cooker untuk 2 kali makan (lunch and dinner) tapi belom pernah di freezer. Kayanya praktis juga nih tinggal ambil terus di panasin ga usah bikin lagi

  2. iya Lian, dimasukin freezer ga papa, asal dikemas per-serve, jadi sekali ngeluarin dr freezer trus dithawing harus habis, kalau ga habis mesti dibuang, ga bisa dibekukan lagi. Krn kalau dibekukan lagi, kemungkinan kristal es yg tajam2 itu yg akan merusak tekstur dan nilai gizinya. Makanya kalau masukin ke freezer aku selalu kemas kecil2, bahkan kadang aku bekukan di ice cubes tray, tinggal ambil 2-3 blok aja udah cukup. Sekarang sih Bianca udah makan nasi dan makanan kita, jadi ga repot lagi. Asal ga pedes, dia bisa ikut makan.
